The Intruder

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Peter's POV

It was a dark and stormy night. Just kidding. But seriously though, it was brutal outside and the middle of the day. Luz was pretending to make a nature documentary about King. "And here we have the most fearsome creature in the world, the King of Demons, facing his natural enemy, the ducky sock." Luz narrates in an Australian accent, making me laugh. "Where are you now, ducky sock?!" King asked. "So, why did you call us here again?" I asked. "Oh, yeah." King said. "Humans Luz and Peter, you've been so obsessed with witchcraft that you haven't learned anything about my kind. Prepare yourselves for: Demons 101. Demons like me are grim tricksters of the twilight, creatures of sulfur and bone." "And cute little paws." Luz cooed. "And cute little paws, true." King sighed. "We live only to create chaos and misery, our only weaknesses are purified water, and passive-aggressive comments, sometimes." "Aww, you guys are sensitive." I said. "Even demons have inner demons." King explains. "The most powerful demon of all is the Snaggleback, he is a..." Luz began playing with filters on her phone. "Luz, pay attention, this information could save your life someday." "I am so paying attention." Luz lied as it started to thunder. "Uh, oh, looks like it's gonna rain." I said. "I love the rain!" Luz gasped. "Hey, wait!" King warned. As she walked outside, Eda was running towards the house. "Boiling rain, everybody inside now!" Eda yelled, dragging her inside. "That was close, but the important thing is you didn't get hurt." "Yup, not hurt." Luz grunted.

Eda brought us outside by Hooty as we avoid the rain. King put a bandage on Luz's arm. "Look, now we're boo-boo buddies." King said. "Oh my gosh I love you so much." Luz squealed. "What the hell is going on, Eda?" I asked. "Boiling rain." Eda explains, preparing a spell. "A boiling rainstorm on The Boiling Isles?" Luz asked. "The weather here is so fun." "Yeah, we don't have weather." Eda replied. "We have plagues, gorenados, shale hail, painbows." "It's like a rainbow, but looking at it turns you inside out." King explains. I almost threw up and Luz just hid in her cat hoodie. "So, until the boiling rain stops, no one is allowed outside tonight." Eda said. "And if the rain doesn't get you, the Snaggleback will." King teased. "They wander the rains, feeding on boiled tourists." "Well, whatever the case, this force field spell should protect the house from boiling rains, and made up demons." Eda explains. "Hoot! Well hurry it up with that force field, that rain is getting closer to my precious stucco!" Hooty shouted impatiently. "Yeah, yeah, I got it." Eda groaned as her spell covered the entire house perfectly. "Wow! Someday I'd like to be as cool as Eda the Owl Lady, magical, sassy, surprising foxy for her age." Luz said. "Hey, Eda, why do they call you the Owl Lady anyway?" I asked. "Because I'm so wise." Eda replied. "Cuz she coughs up rat bones." Hooty added. "I think it's because she gets distracted by shiny objects." King explains. "No I don't." Eda retorted as King pulled out a shiny pen. "It sparkles and shimmers, it shines and delights, I must have it for my nest." "I'm very confused." I said. "Ugh, that force field really took it out of me." Eda groaned, like she was getting migraines. "Uh oh, moving a little slow." King joked. "Age finally catching up to you?" Eda shoved King's face into the hat he was wearing. "This is perfect. Since we'll be stuck inside the house all night, Eda won't have any excuses not to teach us a spell." Luz cheered. "But, don't you want to finish our lesson?" King asked. "I was gonna let you scratch a demon's tummy, me." "Oh, uh, sorry King, but, magic..." Luz apologized. "Come here, buddy." I replied, giving him amazing belly scratches. "You're such a good boy."

A few minutes later, Luz pulled me away from King to get Eda to teach us a spell. "Oh, Eda, have I told you how rad your fang looks today?" Luz asked. "Whatever it is, no." Eda groaned. "And your hair is like, girl." Luz continued. "I don't think she's in the mood." I said. "I'm not teaching you magic tonight, I'm sleepy, I'm a sleepy little owl." Eda yawned. "Please, Eda, please, how are either of us supposed to earn a witches staff if we don't know any spells? Also so Luz can stop begging?" I asked. "No. Sleep." Eda declined. As I was about to continue a story I've been working on for weeks, I clicked on the pen, forgetting that Eda really liked how shiny it was. Eda came out of her blanket and stared at the pen. "Oh, this?" Luz pointed at the pen. "Ooh!" Eda gasped. "Nope." Luz said, taking the pen from my hand. "Hey, I was using that." I sighed. "Teach us one spell, and you'll get your sparkle thing." "I respect your cunning, but I also hate you for it." Eda groaned. "If you want a witches staff like mine, don't make me repeat myself. Witches' staffs have power embedded into them. But, before one is earned, every witch needs to know how to cast spells on their own. Now, tonight, I will show you how to create light." Luz gasped in excitement. "Cool." I said. "Yawn, who needs another boring spell lesson when you could be learning all the fun ways a demon could kill you?" King suggested. "Look how teethy?" I laughed. "Be quiet, I need to focus." Luz shushed King. "Now, humans think that magic is made out of thin air, but that's stupid, everything comes from something, let me ask you kid, where do you think magic comes from?" Eda asked, looking at me. "From the heart?" I asked. "And you?" Eda asked Luz. "From the heart." Luz replied. "Actually, you're both right." Eda explains, pulling out a picture of a witch's heart. "It comes from a sac of magic bile attached to a witches heart." "Oh, gross!" Luz exclaimed. "Can I keep that?" "No." Eda replied. "Now, everything depends on the spell circle, the bigger the circle, the more powerful the spell. "But, Luz and I are humans, how could we do magic without that bile sac?" I asked. "You know, I'm not actually sure." Eda replied. "What?!" Luz and I asked. "I know witches did magic differently in the past, but I never bothered to figure out how." Eda snorted. "Eda!" Luz exclaimed. "Don't worry, Luz, we'll figure it out, it's just gonna take some time." I reassured her. "Now, I need to lie down." Eda yawned. "That's it? Wait, I need to see you do the circle thingy again, I'll record it on my phone this time." Luz begged, pulling up the camera on her phone and hits record. "Smile, you're on camera, one more spell can't hurt you." "Ugh, fine." Eda groaned. "Now, you see, the spell circle is really key because..." All of a sudden, Eda fell asleep. "Well, looks like one more spell killed Eda." King said as Luz freaked out. "Oh my gosh, my obsession with spells knocked out Eda!" Luz panicked. "I'm a monster!" "I'm sure she's fine, she was feeling a bit weird after casting that spell on the house." I explained. "Bap!" King taps Eda on the head. "Yep, she's out." "We should get help, right?" Luz asked running towards the door. "Luz, wait, stop!" I shouted. "Boiling rains, remember?" King warned. "No, let her try, it'll be funny." Hooty joked as I shut the door. "But what if Eda's dead?!" Luz exclaimed. "Shiny thing, big nest." Eda snored. "Remember when she got her head cut off last week? That woman can survive anything." King explains. "She's probably just tired from staying up all night chasing shrews and voles." "Still, we can't just leave her on the floor." I said.

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