For The Future

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I woke up with Luz in the In-between realm. Looking around at this familiar place, we both noticed something strange above us, until we were pulled from our feet back to the Boiling Isles. "Luz! Peter! You were in there for so long, we thought you got stuck behind." Amity explained. "Are you hurt anywhere?" "I'm fine." Luz replied. "Peter and I saw something, or someone, but it was probably just in our heads." "Any sign of him?" I asked. "Oh, come on!" Hunter complained. "It's not like a swarm of ghosts will inexplicably appear if you say his name. I think. Anyways, Belos was here, he's long gone now." "Well, he better stay out of our way." Camila said. "This mama's hungry for vengeance!" "Now that is a fight I'd watch." Gus said. "Me too." Alexa added.

Walking through the woods, we were still cautious about Belos, or whatever the Collector might have planned. "Okay, everyone. Coast is clear." Willow explains, noticing the grass on the ground. "Oh, hello, red grass. I've missed you! I can't talk for long, we're on a mission to save the Boiling Isles." Gus casts an illusion of the grass to make it look like it came alive. I chuckled. "We don't have time for red grass or illusions!" Hunter shouted. "Belos had a head start, so we should keep moving until we find him." "Don't worry. I bet we'll all feel better when we punch Belos straight through the face." Willow reassures Gus. "And yes. I mean through the face." "Thanks, Willow. You're always looking out for us, aren't you?" Gus asked. "Well, someone has to. And it looks like my job here is done." Willow replied, using her powers for the first time in a while. "I have never been more in love with her." I blushed. "Oh, wow! You kids were really holding back in the Human Realm, huh?" Camila asked. "Maybe a little." Alexa replied. Amity started playing around with some abomination goo. "Hello, you gorgeous slime." She laughed. We stopped as we saw the current state of the Isles. It looked like a fever dream after Uncle Ricky had too many drinks. "Kids, stand back! Who knows if that monster is alive or not." Camila warned, noticing the Titan skull. "Actually, the Titan skull is normal." Amity explains. "Everything else is..." "Wrong." Luz finished. "Guys? What's on top of the skull?" Willow asked, looking at a castle above the skull. "It looks like some sort of castle." I replied. "I don't know, but maybe we can get some answers in Bonesborough." Luz said.

Before going into town, Luz and I knew one place for sure that we'd be safe, The Owl House. "Those fucking coven scouts vandalized the house!" I cursed. "What is this place?" Camila asked. "Welcome to the Owl House." Luz replied, opening the door to the empty house.

The first thing I did was go inside mine and Luz's room. I've been trying to figure out if Eda, King, Lilith, and Hooty were okay. To be honest, my powers were definitely weaker in the Human Realm. I put duct tape over my goggles and put them over my eyes. I began focusing on my powers to hopefully find a sign of my family, but all I could see were flashbacks. "No matter how long it takes, Luz and I will find you guys." I said to myself.

"It's Eda and King!" Hunter shouted from outside, breaking my link from the mindscape. Everyone ran outside to see what was happening. "They were on that shooting star." "How are we supposed to follow them?" Camila asked. "Don't worry. I'm a safe flyer." Amity replied. "Flyer?!" Camila panicked.

We flew into town to check on some of the other villagers. "Ooh! Those things need seatbelts. Ah, hello, sweet earth." Camila sighed, until she let out a scream towards a monster. "I mean, hello, good sir?" "Saved it." Alexa commented.

Walking through the town, it was practically empty. It almost seemed like Bonesborough had been abandoned. "Where are Eda and King?" Willow asked. "Where is anyone?" Gus wondered. Hunter decided to take a closer look. "Something's coming." Hunter explained. "Witches?" Gus asked. "Demons?" Willow wondered. "Any of my relatives from Bonesborough?" I added. "No. It's... sparkles?" Hunter questioned. All of a sudden, a huge wave of sparkling magic started coming our way. Luckily, we all hid in an alleyway before we could get hit. Once it was cleared, the people of Bonesborough appeared out of thin air. But something was different. They kinda reminded me of wooden puppets. Willow immediately recognized one of her dads. "Dad?" Willow gasped as all of them began screaming in horror. She tried to get his attention, but had no luck. "Stop! It's me! Have you seen Papa? Wait!" I grabbed Willow and rescued her before she got hurt by an explosion. "What the hell is happening?" I asked. Out of nowhere, a poorly designed costume of Eda as the Owl Beast emerged from the shadows. "Eda?" Luz wondered as the puppets continued running away in fear. "Stop right there, beast!" We heard The Collector say as he came down from the shooting star with King, my little brother! "Fear not, citizens of Bonesborough. I'm here to stop this beast's mad rampage." "I believe in you, Collector." King said. "Thanks, best friend." The Collector smiled. "King!" I gasped. "Light glyph, go!" The Collector shouted, blasting a bright light at the fake Owl Beast, who turned out to be none other than Terra Snapdragon. "Oh, hooray. I'm back to normal." She said sarcastically, not enjoying herself. "What?" Luz and I wondered, pretty disturbed. "Who's got a pint of Apple Blood? Hoot! Hoot!" Terra mocked my mother. "Time out, everyone. Time out!" The Collector sighed. "Terra, for the last time, Eda doesn't sound like that. She's got more of a, like a cool aunt vibe who pretends to be all cold hearted, but actually cares a lot." "Ugh, you're a real thorn in my side, you know that, right?" Terra complained. "I've had it with you and your stupid little dog. Whatever. All I have to do is play Eda the Owl Lady, and I don't get turned into one of those things, right? Then, let's just continue. Ooh, I like musicians. My son needs to watch his mouth." "You're just a bitch." I cursed quietly. "You're not being very nice right now." The Collector grunted, transforming Terra into a puppet. "Collector, buddy, you gotta stop doing that." King warned. "Think about what you're doing to these people." "You are so boring! I'm just playing pretend." The Collector scoffed at him. "Even playing pretend has consequences." King explains. "A cranky old witch taught me that." "You mean Eda, right? That's what we need. The real thing! A cranky know it all mentor figure. No substitutes allowed." The Collector suggested. "Maybe if I ask real nice, I won't have to turn her into a puppet." "No! Her curse is still, um, in effect." King said. "But I can check if she's feeling better." "You promise?" The Collector asked. "You can trust me, Collector." "Is that the little King guy you were telling me about?" Camila asked as Luz and I nodded. "Aye que lindo." "Come on, King. Let's go back to the Archive House." The Collector said to King as they disappeared like an illusion. "Wait! No! Not yet!" Luz cried. "King..." I sighed. "Okay, the eyeballs on the ground are normal, but the little space cherub is the danger?" Camila asked. "We should follow them." Hunter suggested. "Belos is probably trying to get back to The Collector." "It looked like they were playing a game." Gus recalled. "Yeah, with some kind of fucked up version of our lives." I added. "King must've told him about our adventures." "Do you think everyone who was turned into a puppet gets locked in the Archives?" "If they do, then that's where we have to go. Luz replied. "You'll never make it." We heard a familiar voice say. Turns out it was Mattholomule, alongside Barcus and Skara. "Because you guys are losers!"

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