Hooty's Moving Hassle

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Today, Luz and I watched Eda play cards against Owlbert, her palisman. "Watch closely, kiddos, Hexes hold 'em is the most tricky game on the Boiling Isles." Eda explains. "Any proper witch knows how to play." "Oh, boy, cards!" Luz exclaimed. "The paper rectangles that old people think are fun." I added. "Now, when it looks like the deck is stacked against you, that's when you break out the wild card." Eda continued, pulling out a wild card, winning the game. "Whoo, I win. In your adorable owl face! I love the feeling of victory. It feels, fluffy?" "Um, Eda, it's happening again." I warned, noticing the feathers and fur forming on her arms. "What's happening again?" Eda asked. "Your curse is returning!" King exclaimed. Eda gasped.

We all ran to get some elixir for Eda. "Oh boy, this is terrible." Eda said. "I'm out of elixir." "The last time this happened, you turned into this thing." Luz explains, showing her the picture of the Owl Beast. "I know I should be repulsed, but that look is fierce." Eda smiled. "Eda!" I snapped. "You're right, we need to head to the market." Eda explains. "Market!" Luz cheered. "I'm gonna steal everything that's not nailed down!" King exclaimed. "Before we go, would anyone like to play one more hand of Hexes hold 'em?" Eda asked. "Hey! Where are my cards?" I hid the cards behind my back, handing them over to Owlbert. "Take these and fly ahead, she'll have to follow us." I said as Owlbert flies off with the cards. "Owlbert, you sore loser, give me back my cards!" Eda shouted, chasing him down.

Owlbert led us into town on the way to the market. "Is there anything better than people-watching in the demon realm?" Luz asked as a group of creatures were pushing away a bigger creature. "Whoa, that is one ominous parade." "That's no parade, those are Demon Hunters." Eda explains. "Dangerous nomads who capture and sell the most powerful beasts, which I'm about to become if YOU DON'T OPEN UP, MORTON!" "Sorry, Eda, I was up all night poison tasting, and for some reason, I don't feel great." Morton apologized. "I'm all out of my juice, pal." Eda explains. "Oh, gee, lemme see what I can do." Morton said. In a distance, Luz and I saw Willow, Gus, and Alexa, looking a bit gloomy. "Hey guys." I greeted. "Wait, what's wrong?" "Who hurt my babies?" Luz added. "Them." Willow replied, pointing out Amity and her group of friends. "Amity's having a moonlight conjuring party and decided to invite everyone but Willow and Gus, and when I talked to her, she uninvited me." Alexa explains. "And she keeps posting about it on her Penstagram account." Gus added. "It's conjuring night, no dorks allowed." I read Amity's post. "What an asshole! No offense, Alexa." "None taken, Peter." Alexa replied. "What's a moonlight conjuring?" Luz asked. "You spend the night at someone's house, telling stories, playing games." Willow explains. "Like a slumber party, we have one of those!" Luz exclaimed. "Then you bring something to life with moon magic." Alexa added. "Like a weird slumber party." Luz corrected. "Gus and I have never been to one." Willow continued. "Alexa agreed to join us, but you need at least four people and..." "You have five people if you include me and Luz, we'd never let you guys down." I interrupted. "Besides, we're way better than them." "Sorry you couldn't get an invite to the conjuring, Willow." The pink bitch in yellow teased. "Only real witches allowed." "Leave her alone!" I snapped and Willow started to blush. "Guys, he's right, it's not her fault she was born without talent." Amity added as she walked away with her friends. "Ugh, twin sisters." Alexa groaned. "Sometimes I wish we weren't related." Willow's anger began to rise as some vines grew from the ground. Luckily, they were grown to about the same height as Luz. "Don't waste your time getting thorny over them, 'cause we're gonna have our own moonlight conjuring." Luz said with comfort. "Are you serious?" Gus asked. "This is on my bucket list, after owning a real human bucket." "That's a really weird thing to want, but I appreciate your enthusiasm." I replied. "We'll go tell Eda." "I've got bad news and good news." Morton explains to Eda. "Bad news is I'm all out till next week. Good news is feathers are a good look for you." "Morton!" Eda exclaimed. "I'm sorry, E, why'd you wait to re-up till now?" Morton asked. "I've been very busy." Eda replied. "Yeah, busy playing Hexes hold 'em, she's obsessed with it." King added. "I am not obsessed!" Eda snapped. "You're playing it right now." King said. "Am I winning?" Eda asked, playing with her cards. "You know, I wouldn't suggest this to just anybody, but if you need your elixir, you could try your luck later this evening." Morton suggested. "In the Night Market?" Eda asked. "There's a guy with a stand, goes by the name Grimm Hammer, if anyone has what you need, it's him." Morton said. "Eda." Luz explains. "Gus, Willow, Alexa, and us are gonna do a moonlight conjuring and stick it to Amity, so can we..." "Not tonight." Eda declined. "I'm going out. I need both of you to watch the house. I have many precious objects in there." "Like me." King added as Eda picked him up. "You're coming with me." Eda explains. "I need an extra pair of eyes looking out for pickpockets, and an extra pair of hands unless I wanna pickpocket." "Pickpocket!" They both cheered. "Then, maybe they can come to the house and..." "No. Besides, conjurings are dumb." Eda interrupted her, walking away from us. "Sitting in a circle holding hands, it's like magic for babies." Our friends came up to us. "Guys, what did Eda say?" Willow asked. "So guys." Luz explains. "Ooh, look!" Gus exclaimed, pointing at the moon. "The moon is rising into place." "And the celestial powers only align once a year." Alexa added. "Oh, I can't believe I finally have enough friends for a moonlight conjuring, thank you Luz and Peter!" Willow cheered. "Did Eda say it was okay?" "Yes, she said yes." I lied. "We can do it at the Owl House." "As long as we don't make a mess or touch anything and never bring up that we did it." Luz added nervously. They all cheered.

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