Thanks To Them

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"Luz, Peter, I'm so happy I had you guys as my big brother and sister." I hear King's words ring in my head. Kinda like millions of bells ringing at the same time, just as we got blasted through the portal door and back to the human realm. "No! King!" Luz and I screamed as the portal was destroyed again. Luz kept opening and closing the door, hoping to see King, but every time, it was the abandoned house. "Luz. Luz! Stop!" I cried, realizing that I never got to say goodbye to Lilith, or my mom. Willow kneeled by my side and tried to comfort me. Luz turned around just as Gus also started bawling.

As the rest of us stood by her side, Luz knocked on the door of her house. It wasn't long before Mrs Noceda answered the door. She gasped at the sight of her daughter. "Hey, Mom." Luz greeted. "I'm back." Though still in shock, Mrs Noceda pulls her daughter into a hug, grateful for her coming home.

Mrs Noceda fed all of us. While the others cleaned up and explained to her and Vee what happened, Luz and I grabbed some Band-AIDS. "I don't think those are going to work for Alexa." I said, remembering that her back was sliced up. "This should work." Luz explains, grabbing wraps from the medicine cabinet, just as Hunter came over to us. "Hey." Hunter greeted. "Thanks for not telling them that I'm..." "A Grimwalker?" Luz asked. "Shh! Don't say it so loud!" Hunter shushed. "What about you? How have you guys been since..." "Since we were in Belos's mind?" I sighed. "Since we found out we helped him meet The Collector?" "Oh my gosh, Hunter." Luz sniffles. "They're all gonna hate us." "No, of course they won't." Hunter scoffed. "They won't hate you guys any more than me when they find out that I might be a clone of, someone who was a witch hunter. With Belos." We felt guilty of lying, but we couldn't tell them the truth. At least, not yet. "We'll tell them." Luz explains. "When we're ready." Hunter and I nodded. We joined the others at the table. Me and Hunter helped Alexa wrap up her wounds. "Thanks for your help, guys." Alexa said to us as we helped her sit back down. "Your welcome." Hunter smiled. "Okay, so, in the Demon Realm, you fought the evil Emperor Belos who turned into a monster." Mrs Noceda wondered. "Well, he started out human." Gus explains. "Right, but he was defeated by a newer, smaller bad guy?" She asked. "The Collector. We don't know what he is or how Belos found him." Willow explains. "Who knows if we'll ever figure that out?" Luz lied. "But they're creating a lot of chaos." I added. "We have to do whatever it takes to get back." Amity said. "And you will, but for now, you should all rest." Mrs Noceda explains. "You're safe here."

Mrs Noceda put all us guys in the basement and the girls stayed with Luz and Vee. But after all that happened today, Gus stayed positive, especially since he was in the human realm. "Hunter! Look at all this awesome human stuff!" Gus exclaimed, popping some bubble wrap, accidentally breaking a snow globe. "Whoops." "I think it's just stuff here." Hunter said. "It's not much, but I hope you three will be comfortable." Mrs Noceda explains, giving us some more blankets. "We will, Luz's mom." Gus replied. "Don't worry. Gus and Hunter can stay at my place starting tomorrow." I explained. "Thank you for providing us with shelter, ma'am." Hunter thanked, bowing in front of her. "Please never do that again." Mrs Noceda said, heading upstairs to check on the girls. "And you can call me Camila. Buenas Noches." "Hunter, what the fuck?" I asked.

We all explored the inside of the abandoned house, knowing this is where our new portal will be.

It took Luz a short amount of time to create a slideshow, coming out to her mom as Bisexual. And Mrs Noceda was so excited to see Luz in a relationship. She hugged both her and Amity. Suck a cactus dick, Odalia!

Gus, Willow, and the twins each drew their families on paper and put them on a bulletin board next to some sketches of the portal. But the question remains, where would we find Titan's Blood in the Human Realm?

Mrs Noceda, or Camila, took us shopping for new clothes. Mainly for the others. Vee also came up with a new look of her own. Now that Luz was back, she could be herself.

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