Escape of the Palisman

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King begged Eda to take him to the playground one day. "What if he gets hurt? What if the kids are mean to him?" Luz asked. "Are you kidding me? Those kids should be bowing to him." I explained." "My parental instincts are freaking out, man!" Luz panicked. "He's fine, look at him." Eda replied, pointing at King, who was climbing the slide. "He does look like he's having fun." Luz said. "I wonder what cute little game he's playing?" "Stand back, cretins!" King shouted at the kids. "Yes! This is a throne worthy of a tyrant! Bow to me, you snotty underlings. Bow!" The kids bowed to him until a kid pushed King down the slide. "Eda! That monster took my throne!" King cried. "You mean the baby?" Eda asked. "No, the usurper." King corrected. "I want you to go over there and blow him up. Kaboom!" "Yeah, I'm not using Owlbert to blow up a 5 year old." Eda declined. "He's got better things to do. Like this..." Owlbert rubs his head against Eda's hands as she scratched his head. "Aw, what a sweetie." Luz cooed. "How'd you get him anyway?" I asked. "Get? I made Owlbert, from a branch of an ancient tree." Eda explains. "Ah, he's my palisman and we're bonded for life. I'd annihilate anyone who'd hurt him." "Fine, don't help. Revenge will taste all the sweeter if they fall by my hand alone." King laughed. "Tag, you're it." The kid said, pushing King to the ground. "Oh, man. Here we go." Eda smiled. "King's squeak of rage." King squealed and ran back to the playground. "Kinda reminds me of a tea kettle." I said. "Hey, what's that?" Luz asked, pointing at Owlbert's feet. "That's his interlock, so he only fits under my staff." Eda explains. "Every palisman has one." All of a sudden, Eda zoned out until she was passed out on the park bench. "What the hell?"I asked. "Eda?" "Eda!" Luz cried, waking her up. "Are you alright?" "What?" Eda wondered. "Oh, no. The curse. We gotta get home, now." "King, finish your shit!" I called. "We're leaving!" "Five more minutes, please." King begged. "King!" Luz called. "Ah, man. This isn't over." King threatened the kid.

As we got back, Eda laid down on the couch. "I'll go grab your elixir." I said. "Don't worry about it." Eda explains. "I'll get it myself in a bit." "Do you need us to stay home and take care of you?" Luz asked. "I can put King in a little doctor's outfit." "No one wants to see that." Eda replied. "I do." Luz sighed. "Look, I know how to take care of myself. I've had this curse longer than both of you've been alive." Eda said. "So, how'd you get it?" I asked. "I don't know. Somebody gave it to me, I don't know who, and I don't care, because I'm fine, alright?" Eda explains. "Anyways, don't you two have plans with Tweedledum and Twerpledee?" "Well, Willow, Gus, Peter, and I are going to the grudgby game between Hexside and Glandus High." Luz explains. "Since when are you two into sports?" Eda asked. "Since I found a little something called "Hexside pride."" Luz replied. "Argh, to think that Glandus, whoever they are would dare face us." "I just like to see people get hurt in sports." I added. "But, if you need us to stay..." "Gross. Sympathy. Go. Go have fun at sport." Eda groaned. "Hooray for sport!" Luz exclaimed as we left.

Once we got to Hexside, Luz was practicing some cringy chants. Behind the shuttle, we saw Willow and Gus. "Happy game day fellow..." Luz wondered. "Are we Hexsidians? Hexies? Hexoleos?" "Actually, most people call us winners." Willow explains. "Grudgby games are the best, the players go through these action packed trials, and the audience gets to wave flags. Look! I even practiced." Gus added, pulling out some flags and waving them around. "Is it weird that neither of us are wearing Hexside?" I asked. "Um, it's weirder that Luz is wearing Glandus colors." Willow replied. "Get ready to be creamed, Glandus nerd!" One student teased Luz. "Hey! I'm a Hexside nerd!" Luz called. "Gotta change out of this shirt. Where can I find a Hexside one?" "I know, there's a lost and found box in the cafeteria." Gus said. "You mean the place where mouth guards go to retire?" I asked. "No thanks." But that didn't stop Luz for dashing into the school. "Go Hexside!" Luz cheered, doing the splits. "Well, I never did that before. Where is everyone?" "Bus already left." I explained. "Why didn't you guys board the bus?" Luz asked. "We weren't going to leave you behind." Willow replied. "I was." Gus said as Willow nudged him in the shoulder. "Luz, us weirdos have to stick the fuck together." I added. "Is there any chance we could walk to Glandus?" "We'd never make it in time." Gus replied. "Glandus is all the way out in the middle of the island." "Typical Glandus." Luz grunted. "And my parents are working, otherwise I'd see if they could give us a ride on their staff." Willow added. "A staff. Because staffs fly." Luz said. "Of course I can get us a staff." "You can?" Gus wondered. "Of course, c'mon!" Luz exclaimed, taking us back towards The Owl House.

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