18. Paranoia?

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Micky's Pov.

Me and Chres have been very distant lately, my stomach is also getting bigger. Tiana's coming over later so we could go shopping for lil bit. Also Chres is leaving to go meet up with his group.

I get up to go to the kitchen and Chres is sitting there, eating cereal. I go up to him and take his bowl.

Chres: Don't start with me, Mick.

Micky: *pouting* I miss the way you touched me and made me feel.

Chres: *smirking, takes bowl and sits it down* You mean... *slides hands down Micky's pants to her cookie* I know you miss me.

Micky: Mhm, you knew... *kisses his neck*

He grunted as I felt his manhood start to rise. He started to rub faster and I leaned my head back in pleasure. Then Cali came and started barking at both of us. Chres got mad and I giggled. Chres got back to his cereal and I got a poptart out of the cabinet.

Micky: And Chres, just because I got you rising don't mean run out and fuck some other girl, you hear me.

I said, waiting for a response.

Chres: Yeah dude.

Micky: Don't start with me Chresanto.

He shrugged and I threw my house shoe at him, hitting him in the back. He shook his head and started laughing. He got up and came to hug me.

Micky: Chres, i'm serious.

Chres: I gotchu ma, you're my wife. I don't wanna hurt you nomore.

He kisses my forehead.

Micky: Otay. *heart eyes*

He let go and went back to his cereal.

Chres: So when is Tiana coming?

Micky: Soon... *rubbing forehead* why?

Chres: I can't ask questions? Stop being paranoid.

Micky: Who said I was being paranoid? Maybe if you would stop bringing it up I would be good.

Chres: Whatever man.

Chres walks into the room and shuts the door, leaving his bowl on the counter.

Micky: And now I'm the maid who gotta clean this up right? Shows me how much fucking respect you give me!

Chres: *muffled* Micky stop bitching!

I run in the room and sock Chres in his mouth, when he looked up his face looked so mad, it started turning red and his nose started to bleed.

Micky: You know my anger finna be ten times worse because I'm pregnant! Like I said don't start!

Chres only looked at me, I took his hand and he followed me to the bathroom. I cleaned him up and after I stared at him, I started to giggle at him and he let out a faint smile leading into a laugh.

Micky: I sowwy I keep punching you out Chressy, forgive me?

He laughed and pushed me away gently.

Chres: I forgive yo crazy ass.

He pulled me by my waist into a kiss.

Micky: Yeah nigga, you know what's up! Come take some pictures with me.

I took out my phone and walked to the mirror. I took some selfies with Chres, and he took the phone and was taking pictures of us.

Looking in the mirror I looked at my hair, it had grown out alot but I liked it. I used permenant red so it didn't fade super bad. These pregnatal pills I got made my hair grow fast, so my hair went down to my back, but i've been wearing it curly so you'd never know if it was longer or not.

Micky: Babe, we should go see a movie later.

Chres: *sighs* Baby you know we're gonna be in the studio and practicing till ten.

He brushed my hair out my face.

Micky: I know, I just wish we could go on a cute date together.

He nodded and kissed my neck.

Chres: Have a lil date with Tiana, I won't be mad baby.

I nodded and smiled.

I picked up my phone and walked out. I called Tiana

Tiana: *otp* Hello?

Micky: Hey T, me and you are going out on a date today. Look cute!

Tiana: Yess you gone be my baby momma!

Micky: *ctfu* Stahp, are you finna be on your way? Cause you can do your makeup and hair here.

Tiana: Ight bet.

Micky: Ight love, bye.

(Authors note: sorry , last week was my birthday week and HC was friday so that's why I didn't update)

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