14. Guilt

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Chres Pov.

I came home to the sound of singing. My baby is a pro.

Micky: *singing* So I can come to her and lie right to her face! I don't know what i'm gonna say, but I know that i'm gonna say whatever it takes!

Ironic that she's singing this song, man I feel so guilty, but that head was dope. I tried walking past her but she stopped me.

Micky: Chres, I know you not still mad.

I shrugged and laid down. She followed and jumped on me, I smiled a little.

Micky: Somethings wrong, because you're trying to not make eye contact with me.

Chres: It's nothing.

Micky: It's because you're drunk nigga!

I laugh and she smiles.

Micky: Baby,

She starts rubbing my manhood and a tingle goes down my back, I covered it because I didn't want her to know that someone handled it today.

Chres: Yo, chiiiill.

Micky: Chres? Saying no to some punani? Something is up.

She got up and left the room, damn this girl is not stupid like i'm trying her so hard. I wouldn't know what to do if I lost her, I left just for her. Plus I wouldn't have nothing to fall back on.

I got up and went out the room to see a worn out looking Micky, laying down eating a smores poptart.

I walked to her and picked her up, she squirmed trying to get out of my hands.

Micky: Move cause you don't want to fuck, like i'm too salty!

I lay her on the couch and lay next to her.

Chres: Can we just cuddle?

Micky: Chres, are you on your period.

She started laughing, almost causing me to fall off the couch. I got mad and stood up.

Chres: Maybe.

I started to react how she was on her period.

Micky: That's not funny you dick head.

Micky got off the couch and went to play some music.


She started to dance causing me to start laughing, she was so reckless.

Chres: It's too late for this.

I went in my room and laid down. I randomly got a call from Ray, I remembered that nigga number by heart. I answered trying to sound hard, I put it on speaker.

Chres: Yo.

Ray: Is this Chresanto?

Chres: Yeah.

Ray: Nigga why you sound like you got a cold?

Micky started laughing at me and sat next to me.

Micky: Hi Ray Ray!

I glared at her and she smiled.

Ray: Yo what's up?

Micky: Nothing.

I shushed her.

Chres: So why you call for me?

Micky started smiling harder.

Ray: Well me and Micky talked about how you both live on yall own and how neither of yall have a job...

Chres: Yet! I'll start looking, eventually.

Micky started laughing at me again so I shushed her again.

Ray: Well, I wanted to ask if you were ever interested in being a rapper. I mean I know this tight ass dude that asked me if I wanted to be in a band and shit. He said he'd be one of our managers plus a dope lady.

Chres: Wait, you serious?

Ray: Yeah, and Micky said you used to rap alot but quit when you faced reality. She said you were pretty tight and still is.

Chres: I mean, she already know how it is.

Ray: So will you do it?

Chres: Yeah I will, but I gotta talk about it with Mick. I'll call you later.

I hung up and looked at Micky, holding in her excitement. I hugged her then she started jumping in the bed.

Micky: My baby is a rapper! How does it feel?

I stood up acting like I was giving a speech.

Chres: Well I mean, this is a great opprotunity for me and my baby. And hopefully she stays with me throughout this journey.

She smiled and tried to kiss me but I pushed her away.

Micky: Stop playing with life.

Chres: Nope, cause you was talking to Ray about our business.

Micky: Pfft you wouldn't have a job if it wasn't for me.

She got up and left out the room.

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