20. We Never Forgot

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Micky's Pov.
Lawd I'm not ready for this family reunion dude, I know she's gonna say something about my tattoos and my hair. They hated when I made changes to myself, but I didn't do them just to do it and they knew that. When I left I only had two small tats, now my body is marked all the way up.

I pulled up to my old house, the house I used to play in right in the middle of the Bronx. I got out and wiped my eyes, I was tired and I didn't get a lot of sleep. I got out and started to examine the grass, my mom planted some beautiful plants around the house also. I got to the door and knocked.

Almost instantly the door swung open and my mom smiled, another lump grew in my throat. I couldn't say anything, she spoke up first.

Mom: Welcome home, Micky,

My eyes started to water, I hugged her and we both had a crying fit. My dad walked over and smiled. I let go of mom and hugged him.

Micky: Hi daddy!

I walked in, wiping my eyes and examined the inside. Mom was right, everything was the same. Except there was a lot more plants, I laughed.

Micky: I see you're still a plant lady.

My mom laughed, I rolled up my sleeve and my mom almost had a heart attack.

Mom: Oh laawd, she done got more tattoos!

I looked at my arm and laughed, I flipped my hair to the side. She grabbed my arm and looked at the tattoos, I pulled away because they still don't know I used to self harm.

Mom: All these tattoos, *smacks teeth* and your hair grew a lot too, what have you been doing?

I shrugged, my stomach growled and she looked at me and laughed.

Mom: Here, c'mon I made some food baby.

I nodded and sat down at the dining table. My mom came with already made plates, my dad joined us. He's never ate at the table with the whole fam, but it's better to give them the news together. My mom sat down and we started to eat.

Mom: How is it with your aunt and uncle?

My mom always asked about them, too bad I don't have nothing to tell, other than uncle tripped out and auntie let me leave with a boy.

I just shrugged.

Mom: You still hangout with Chres?

I nodded and she smiled.

Micky:...Prenatal pills.

Mom: What??

Micky: My hair has been growing from prenatal pills, I'm pregnant.

I gave out a faint smile but my parents were speechless, my mom stood up and walked up to me, I flinched but all she did was hug me. She started to cry and my dad came and hugged us.

Mom: I just wish it wasn't so soon, you just turned 17.

I nodded, we let go and I backed up.

Micky: But it was all on me so I take full responsibility.

Dad: No it wasn't all you, who's the father?

Micky: Santo...

Me and my parents sat back down, my dad grabbed my hands.

Dad: Now baby, whatever decision you make we'll always be here for you.

Mom: How far along are you?

Micky: 16 weeks. I'ma keep it, most definately. No adoptions or abortions, I think it's too late for that anyways. Plus Santo is kinda excited about the baby.

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