13. Damn What's Up?

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Chres's Pov.

When we got home I just sat there, watching Micky trying to find something to wear. I mean everything she tried on looked nice but I wasn't gone let her know that.

Micky: Chresanto you're not helping dawg!

Chres: Since when was I ever dawg, I thought I was bae!

She walked out with a tight crop top on with some Mickey mouse Joggers.

Micky: Chresssss since you're not helping me!

Chres: You're not wearing that shirt.

Micky: Stop being so jealous!

I got up and got one of my cardigans out of the drawer. She ran away and I ran after her.

Chres: You're wearing this cardigan!

Micky: No i'm not!

I caught up to her and tackled her, she laughed but I was serious. I put on the cardigan and she got mad. Standing up she wiggled and then pouted.

Chres: See, now you look cute! *smiling*

Micky: Fuck you Chres.

She took it off and threw it.

She put on a leather jacket and left out the door. Now that she mad she definately won't be talking about me at this get together with Ray.

I started getting a call, it was from Jacob.

Chres: Sup.

Jacob: Yo come out with me tonight.

Chres: Man, I don't know.

Jacob: Ight man, call me if you want to forreal.

He hung up and I took a nap.

Waking up I stumbled apon some weed that was already rolled and was laced with some hash. It was already lit but ashed before it was finish. I smoked all of it. I called Jacob back telling him I was going to go.

I got out an all black fit with my black Forces and head out the door.

Jacobs friend picked me up and we went downtown and snuck into places and got a little drunk. We started to walk around downtown and we went into a restraunt to eat. I got some chicken with fries, at this point I just wanted some food.

Somebody grabbed my arm, I turned around to see a cute ass waitress. Wait i'm not single, chillout.

Waitress: You need anything else?

Don't fucking say shit Chres.

Chres: Damn, what's up? How about your number?


She smiled and Jacob smirked, he wanted me to do that. I slowly gave her my phone, looking at Jacob. I'm too drunk, I shouldn't have came out.

Waitress: I'm Justice, hit me up later if you wanna chill.

Dawg fuck I knew I was gone call her. my concious is sober but my body and actions are drunk to compacity.

I get done and Jake follows me out.

Jacob: You not gone follow that waitress.

I shook my head.

Chres: Yo can you take me to the crib?

He shrugged and dropped me off. I looked up to our window and Micky still wasn't home. I decided to just call up that waitress, it's not like she's gonna try and fuck me but these days you never know. but then I could get some top.

I called old girl and told her i'm getting her from her job and taking her to her crib. When I picked her up she got in the car smiling.

Chres: You not gone say nothing?

I smiled and she chuckled.

Justice: You rolling in this, oh shit.

I laughed, I took her hand and kissed it. When we pulled up to her house I snuck and got a condom out of my passenger seat pocket because I knew how this was going to go.

She unlocked the door and made her way to her room. I got comfortable and sat down on her bed.

Justice: Do you want anything, water?

Chres: Nah i'm good.

She left out the room and seconds later she came back with nothing but a tee shirt on. She locked the door behind her, I should of said something but I lost words.

Justice: I know you got a girl, but you also look like the 'what you don't tell your girl won't hurt her' type.

She came and walked to me, her legs were inbetween mine.

Justice: And I know you think you're madly in love, but does she turn you on like this?

She starts kissing on my neck, my hands slowly wrapped around her hips.

Justice: Does she do you right?

She starts rubbing on my manhood, I knew that I was going to regret this but at this point I already flipped of us over. We started to have a tongue war and she grabbed my manhood.

She kissed the tip and gave me top. I haven't had top since Audrey let me hit. I remembered about the condom and I slid it on real slick.

Let me just say I fucked the shit out of her. Just like that she tapped out, she fell asleep and I dipped. I also blocked her number. I'm so stupid but what doesn't kill you make you stronger.

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