4. You And She Dirty.

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Chresanto's Pov.

Micky: Stop fucking yelling at me! And let go!

Chres: *calming down, lets go* Okay, fuck you. *starts walking away*

Micky: *breaks down crying* Please, just leave me alone.

Chres: *turns back around* The reason why I fucked her was to save your ass.

She sat on the floor and crossed her legs, balling herself in a ball so she wouldn't break anything or get mad.

I tryed to walk out again but I couldn't. Micky was strong, and to see her break down like that makes me feel real bad. She hasn't cryed like that since her parents told her to move with her aunt and uncle.

Chres: Look, i'm sorry I fucked her. She said if I didn't , she would press charges on you. I couldn't let her do that.

Micky: *wipes eyes*

Chres: You not gone say nothing?

Micky: *shakes head*

Chres: *puts out hand* Need help getting up.

Micky: Nigga hell naw! I don't know what yall did with them hands!

Chres: Bro! Do you need help or what?

Mickt: Shut up. Just help me up. *puts arms out*

Chres: *picks her up, wraps her legs around him* I told you I always got you.

Micky: Chres, forreal if you don't get in the shower right now.

Chres: In your house?

Micky: Yes okay whatever, just let go of me now!

Chres: Okay! *lets go of Micky* I'll get in the shower.

I ran and jumped into Micky's room, like actually jumped. I don't know why though.

Micky: *yelling* Be careful! And don't touch anything!

Chres: *yelling* I need a towel!

I hear footsteps coming then Micky comes in the room.

Micky: I'll grab everything you need until you get in the shower.

Chres: What if I said something inapropriate?

Micky: Then you get punched in the mouth.

Chres: Like you di-

Micky punches me in the mouth before I could finish my sentence.

Chres: Owe!

Micky: Anymore questions?

Chres: *shakes head, holding lip*

Micky: Yeah, didn't think so.

Micky gets a towel out her closet, she waves me to come follow her.

Micky: Hurry up!

Chres: I'm coming!

Micky: *gets in punch position* What?!

Chres: *flinches* Okay! Stop playing man. *laughs*

Micky opens the bathroom door and I go in. I get in the shower and stuff and get cleaned. When I get out I wrap the towel around me. I walk out and go to her room.

Chres: Where is that beautiful girl?

Micky: I'm in my bathroom.

Chres: *opens the door quietly*

Micky was washing her face and putting a bandage on her nose. I came behind her and hugged her, I could see her smile in the mirror but then pushed me away.

Micky: *covering eyes* Your towel fell.

I laugh and put on my towel. Then I kiss her cheek.

Chres: Open your eyes now.

She opens them and smiles. I flex everything she could see and she stumbled then started giggling.

Chres: You're so adorable. *smiles, pinches Mickys cheek*

Micky: *smiles*

Chres: Maybe so adorable that you could be my partner in boxing?

Micky: *grins super hard* Yes! *jumps in Chres's arms*

Chres: *towel falls, drops Micky* Oops! Sorry! *picks up Micky*

Micky: Put your towel on!

Chres: *drops Micky, picks up towel*

Micky: *yells* Ow Chres! Don't touch me no more. I've seen too much.

We both laugh and I grab my other clothes and run to my house. When I get in I hear my mom and dad arguing. I shake my head and run to the back and change into this:

- Grey OFWGKTA hoodie

- Black jogging pants

- Grey vans

I ran in the bathroom and brushed my teeth, then ran back to Yns house. But before I get out the door my mom spots me.

Chres Mom: Where are you going??

Chres: Yns house.

Chres Mom: Um, no you're not.

I just walk out the house and lock the door behind me. I didn't wanna hear her "after a fight" attitude. I walked in Micky house and she was on the couch with her hair pinned up with a clip, a Michael Jackson shirt on, some leggings and some fluffy socks watching the rediculessness episode with Tyler The Creator and Taco.

Micky: Hey.

Chres: Hey, *sits down* how you been?

Micky: I'm cold and my aunt and uncle are out on a date.

Chres: Come here. *puts out arms*

Micky: *climbs in his arms*

Chres: Still cold?

Micky: Yeah.

Chres: *holds tighter* Better?

Micky: Yeah. Much better. *smiles*

Chres: You're so adorable. I'm supprised you're acting like a sweetheart to me even though I made you upset twice but, why were you so mad that I fucked her.

Micky: Well, what if you did it just to do it. I mean, if I didn't like- I mean, nevermind.

Chres: No, keep talking.

Micky: I said nevermind.

Chres: Well, okay. *-,-*

I really wonder what she was gonna say. I guess Yn could tell I was thinking about her so she kissed my cheek.

Chres: What was that for?

Micky: For being my everything. *smiles*

Chres: *:D* Okay. *smiles* You know, *puts hand under sweater* I don't have a shirt under this. *shows abs, bites lips*

Micky: *feels Chres's abs* You don't think I have abs? *pulls up shirt*

Chres: Damn, but yours don't fade mine. *getting closer to Mickys face*

Micky: *seducing voice* I bet. *bites lip, looks back and forth to Chres lips and eyes*

Chres: Well maybe you'll believe me if I- *kisses Micky softly*

Micky: *kisses back* Wait, *stops* what are we doing lol.

Chres: I don't know. *laughs* Awkward.

Micky: That's how you feel? That's why you still dirty.

Chres: But you kissed me!

Micky: Actually, you kissed me!

Me and her laugh and eventually fall asleep. When I woke up her aunt and uncle was standing right in front of us.

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