3. Boxing Finally!

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Mickys Pov.

All the rest of my classes nobody I knew was in there and I was happy I didn't see anyone. Lunch was okay, all I had was a apple. I have an eating disorder so I tend to just eat some fruit or just something healthy in general.

When the dismissing bell rung I picked up my bag and walked outside and forgot I didn't take the bus and I didn't have bus fare. But then that's when Chres walked over to me.

Chresanto: You need a ride to boxing?

Micky: I Gue-

Jacob: Hey Mick!

Jacob yelled while walking towards me. Jacob stopped infront of me.

Jacob: What's up, Chres?

Chresanto: Sup.

Jacob: *turning attention back to Micky* I was wondering if you needed a ride to boxing?

Micky: Uh,

Chresanto: It's fine, go with him. *waves and walks to his car, drives off*

Micky: I guess so.

Jacob: Alright, come on.

Me and Jacob walk up to this motorcycle.

Micky: On what, you drive this?

Jacob: Yeah. This is my baby. Had her for a year now.

Micky: Let me drive it.

Jacob: Soon, but today I'm driving.

Jacob helps me get on the he gets on and puts the kick stand up. He starts it up and we head off.

Jacob: Micky, wrap your arms around me.

Micky: Okay. *laughs, wraps arms around him*

Jacob: Where is it?

Micky: 2424 Irving.

Jacob: By the abandoned lot?

Micky: Yep.

We drive up and he parks. I get up and smile.

Micky: Thank you.

Jacob: Want me to walk you inside?

Micky: If you want to, it doesn't bother me.

Jacob takes the key out the egnition of the motorcycle, grabs my hand and we walk in together. When we walked in I saw Chres and Audrey talking, Chres waved at me and I smerked and looked at Jacob.

Jacob: Text me later?

Yn: *writes # on piece of paper, hands to Jacob* Yeah.

Jacob hugs me and kisses me again, I froze until he stops.

Jacob: Bye.

Micky: Bye. *nervous*

Jacob walks out with everyone speachless. His kisses are the best and I don't know what to do when he kisses me. I'm kinda shaking, I liked it, like ALOT. I turned around to see Chres and Audrey staring at me, then hurried and turned around.

I shrugged at went into the locker room. I changed into a red sports bra with some black basketball shorts. I kept my shoes on so I am still matching. I walk out when someone comes and bumps me.

Micky: God damn!

Audrey: Watch who you fucking with 'fo you get your heart broke, twice.

(Audrey in media)

Micky: Watch before you get this fist in yo mouth.

Audrey: Try me.

Micky: Fuck you.

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