19. Cuff'd

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Chres Pov.

She wobbles now , when I saw her walk in holding her stomach I just wanted to hold her and kiss her. But yet I couldn't, yes old girl got me in jail for a 6 weeks. So we had to push our tour back a couple months.

She breefly talk to the gaurd and walked to the table. She smiled at me.

Micky: You're still so sexy. *smirks* I miss you Chres. 3 more weeks baby.

Chres: I should of told you what I did the day you came to get me.

Micky: Yeah you should have. *scoffs* But it's all good, me and Nani been at the house for a while ight.

Chres: Ight, you know I miss you right?

Micky: *giggles* Yes, I miss you too love.

She smiles at me, I just wanted this moment to last forever. This is love, it really is.

Chres: Your birthday is coming up baby.

She nods and smiles.

Micky: In like four months, I don't know what I'm gonna do. You're gonna be on tour, I guess I'll stay home or something. *laughs*

Chres: You're so beautiful baby.

Micky: My cheeks are getting chubby! *squeezes cheeks*

Chres: Wow, you're still beautiful as hell.

She smiles.

Chres: How is the baby?

Micky: Good, lil bit's been irking my nerves . Like my back has been killing me and it's horrible. But I'm 16 weeks now. Our baby is gonna be big.

Chres: Baby, I wish I could hold you.

Micky: Baby, it's okay.

She touches my hands and rubs them.

Micky: I'll always be here with you.

Chres: You and lil bit ?

She nods and I pull her hands in to kiss them. The gaurd clears his throut and looks at his watch.

Chres: I love you.

Micky: I love you too.

Chres: Oh and Mick, I know you didn't talk to your parents. You have to, forreal.

She nodded and wobbled away and I went back to my cell. I laid down in the top bunk, for some reason the guy I was sharing a cell with didn't mind so I chose top bunk.

He was actually cool, his name was Tahj and he was working as a physician. He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The gaurd came back and unlocked the cell.

Gaurd: Another visitor.

I got up, confused. I went out there to see someone, fuck this is not happening. I sat down and they pulled out a seat.

Rick: Let's cut to the chase, where's my niece going? *smirking*

Micky's Pov

On my way out I felt myself crying, I was so upset I couldn't help myself. Not having him there to hold me and keep me safe hurts me, expecially that i'm getting followed it makes it so much worse. I mean I have my friends to sleep in my bed with me but that's not having someone to rub on my booty while i'm going to sleep. Not just that but that's what I need. I felt someone bump into me, my keys fell and I picked them up.

??: My bad.

I shrugged and continued to walk to the car. I pulled out my phone and sat there. Staring at mom moms contact, my aunt would always make sure I had their number. I never called though, I know they've been waiting.

I got in the car and rode home, quickly going inside I picked up my mail and laid on the couch. Cali jumped in my lap and I drifted off to sleep. I woke up because I got a call from Walter, I quickly answered.

Walt: Is Micky there?

Micky: Yes, what's up Walt?

Walt: I want you to help me with something, come to the studio for me?

Micky: Um, sure Walter. I'll be there.

Confused I hurried and went up to the studio. Walking in, I was greeted by Walter and Ray.

Micky: What's up?

Ray started smiling.

Walter: So after Chresanto got in trouble, we needed something to do, something to help us progress. Ray told me you could sing, is it true?

I smiled and nodded, I looked at Ray and he looked down.

Micky: Let me guess, I have to sing something?

Walter nodded and I sighed. I sung a snippet of Take Care by Drake. After I finished Walter smiled.

Walter: How fast can you learn music?

Micky: I don't know, we'll have to find out.

I smiled and Walter shook my hand.

Micky: But Walter, I am pregnant so I don't want to go on tours and stuff. I mean I can feature in stuff but, you know.

Walter: I see, but I will get you to be on something, right?

I nodded in agreement. We then parted and went our separate ways. I'm not even thinking of how I just got set up to be a feature on anything. It hasn't hit me yet, I'm still thinking about my parents.

Pulling out my phone, I go to my mom's name on my contact list, I pressed call and I got more nervous every buzz I heard. After the third the phone was picked up imediatly.

Mom: Micky?

I was hesitant to say anything, but I finally spoke.

Micky: Hey, mom.

Mom: How are you! We miss you honey!

She started to quietly cry over the phone. My eyes teared up as a huge lump started to grow as I spoke.

Micky: I want to come and see you, as soon as possible.

Mom: Umm, okay come tonight if you'd like. I'm cooking dinner.

Micky: Alright, the same house?

Mom: Yes, same everything. Just how you left it.

Micky: I'll be there.

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