21. *fill chapter*

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Mickys Pov

The next day my friend Chance said he was coming over today, and I needed someone over here that wasn't just using me to sleep anight. Me and Chance have been good friends for years, and lets just say his tongue is magic.

He called my phone and I answered.

Micky: *otp* Hello?

Chance: *otp* Knock knock.

I laughed at him.

Micky: You a goofy.

I hung up and walked to the door to open it and he hugged me. He let go and put his hands in his pocket. He looked around a little.

Chance: What's up, Micky.

We walked in and he sat on my couch, I laid on his lap.

Micky: What you wanna do?

He shrugged.

Chance: A movie?

I nodded and turned on Netflix, I turned on a funny adult cartoon and we chilled. All of a sudden I feel some fingers brush in circles on my legs, I felt a chill go down my back. I looked at Chance to see him watch the tv nonchalantly, but he knew what he was doing to me.

About 15 minutes into the episode, I felt a tongue on my neck, then small kisses. Chance move his hand into my thighs and pulled my face towards him, licking my lips softly. He knew I loved that tongue and I was getting some head tonight.

I stopped his kisses and pushed his hand towards my cat, He went straight for it and boy if he wasn't going to eat it, I was good with just this. He took off the shorts I had on and took off my panties with his teeth. He knew where my spot was so he went right to it, nibbling and sucking on it, his hand went down there once again and he put it inside me, bringing his fingers in and out. He knew exactly what to do because this wasn't his first time.

I pushed his head deeper and straightened his hat. I was at my peak, trying to hold it but it's gonna happen anyway.

Micky: Cha... Chance!

I came in his face and he smiled at me, I looked at him and he licked his fingers like he had just finished eating one of his favorite meals. Well he did, so I didn't find it weird.

I smiled at him and he grinned.

Micky: You have the most innocent face, but you have a tongue fron the gods. *laughing*

He laughed and sat by me.

Micky: You know I used you right?

Chance: I enjoyed it anyways.

I laughed at him and pushed him.

Micky: You a goofy dude! *laughing*

He rubbed my stomach.

Chance: How far along?

I shrugged.

Micky: About 17 weeks.

He nodded and he continued to rub my stomach.

Micky: I wish that Chres was here to do this man.

Chance: I'm here, I'll always be here Mick. I gotchu.

I laid down on the couch.

Micky: Will you come to my check up with me tomorrow?

He nodded and kissed my forehead.

Chres: Every question you ask will always be a yes answer from me.


The next day we went to the early ass checkup and everything was good with lil bit. The baby was perfect.

I had seen some people that I was in the gang with a year ago with Chres. After I seen the gun Chres had, I keep seeing stuff that reminded me of the past and all that shit was adreneline rushing.

Me and Chres could of got killed or put in jail for the rest of our life but we didn't care, we were crazy as fuck back then and we still are. Chres chilled down but I will still crack a nigga dead in his mouth.

I got back home and cuddled with Chance, he was such nice company man.

Micky: Bennit?

Chance: Yeah?

I pulled him closer.

Micky: Thank you, I needed this.

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