1. New Student.

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Micky Pov.

Aunt Nisi: Wake up Mick! You have to go to school today.

I rubbed my eyes and picked up my iPhone. It was 6:00 in the morning. I was no where near a morning person. But school started at 8:20.

Micky: I'm up! *gets up*

I stumble to the bathroom to go brush my teeth and do my hair. I dyed my hair light brown the day before so I just wore it down. my hair is short but I wear extensions with it.

I took and shower and got out and looked in my closet. I picked out this:

- Red&Black Nikes

- Jean High Waist Shorts

- Nike Shirt That Says #HARDER

- Gold Necklace From Chres

- Gold Stud Earrings

I put on everything and I looked at the clock. It was 7:00 so I grabbed my house key and ran out the back because the city bus came at 7:10 and I had to wake up Chres. His house was 3 houses away from mine and he doesn't like mornings but he can just drive to school.

I arrived at Chres's house and knocked on his window. Then I opened it with the key he gave me and I climbed in.

Micky: Chres! Get up! *shaking Chres*

Chres: I'm up nigga. *wipes eyes*

Micky: Well that's a nice way of greeting people. *pulls cover off Chres* Get up nigga!

Chres: Okay. *gets up and looks in his closet*

Micky: Nice booty Chres.

Chres: I know right? *squeezes booty cheeks together*

Micku: *dieing laughing* I gotta go. *picks up backpack*

Chres: No! I'll drive you to school. *pulls out red #HARDER Nike shirt*

Micky: So you tryna match? *smiles*

Chres: Why not? *picks up red Nikes*

Micky: Peoples gonna think we're together.

Chres: So, you're like my little sister. And most everybody knows that. *picks up black cargo shorts*

Micky: Well, I guess.

Chres went in the bathroom and a couple minutes later he came out with the same outfit on as me. He goes to his dresser and picks up his other gold chain and a diamond earring.

Micky: You look adorable!

Chres: Correction, WE look adorable. And I like your hair big head.*touchs Micky's hair* Okay, i'm done. Leggoo! *grabs bag and keys*

Micky: *smiles*

We walk outside to his car and he opens the passenger door and runs to the other side of the car and gets in.

Micky: Thanks Chres. *gets in*

Chres: No problem. *starts up car*

He drives to starbucks and bought me a moca coffee and him a water. He came out smiling with both in each hand. I giggled.

Chres: *knocks on window*

Micky: *opens door* Hola.

Chres: Since you woke up early just to get me, *hands coffee to Micky* for you. *sits down water and drives off.*

Micky: Aww! *kisses Chres's cheek* Thanks Chres. *starts drinking*

Chres: No problem.

Micky: *stops drinking* Goin' to practice today?

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