8. Just Us.

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Chres Pov.

Man, it's crazy to wake up by someone that you actually have feelings about. She looked at me and smiled at me, I couldn't help but smile back. She covered her mouth and got out of bed. She walked to the bathroom and closed the door.

Micky: Goodmorning!

I laughed and got up.

Chres: School today.

I walked to the door and leaned against it.

Micky: We not going. I need some time alone with one person. *Opens the door*

Chres: Why'd you run in the bathroom?

Micky: I had to brush my teeth, i'm not finna walk around in the morning talking to people if my teeth ain't brushed.

I laughed and walked into the livingroom.

Micky: Where you go babe?

She ran to me. She jumped on top of me. We fell on her carpet and she started to wrestle me. I got on top of her and smiled.

Micky: Move Chres!

She punched me in my chest and I gasped for air but shortly after fell into a loud laughter as did she.

Micky: Chres see, this is why I never play with you!

She smiled as she got up. I got up and picked her up.

Micky: Staaaaahp, I'm on my period! Bruh forreal get off!

I went in the room and layed her down.

Chres: You fine now?

Micky: *shaking her head* No you dickhead.

She frowned, I frowned at her and kissed her.

Chres: I'll be back, I'm going to go get you some medicine and stuff, you go ahead and take a shower or something, here hold on i'll go put you a blanket in the drier and while I do that go ahead and put a movie in for us to watch later.

I said running to her bathroom.

I opened the closet to see blankets on the top shelf. I got the snuggliest one and ran to her drier which was in the backroom by her kitchen. Then I started hearing growns and moaning in the room so I ran in there to see Micky on the floor with her butt up laying her face on the floor. Periods aren't no joke, i'm glad we don't go through it.

I layed down beside her and kissed her cheek.

Chres: Baby just give me ten minutes and i'll be right back, promise.

She nodded and slowly got up.

Micky: Wait my keys, Chres. Keep em.

She had tears all over her face and her nose was running.

Chres: Get in the bathe baby.

I left the apartment and went to the store, I picked up some lady products, some reeses, an Arizona and some flowers. To think about It I didn't get her a birthday gift for those few months that she didn't talk to me, so I got her a card. After I left that store I went to go get her some icecream and headed back.

I pulled up to her apartment and walked in. I heard the shower running so I put everything but the icecream and the flowers on the bed.

I started plucking the pedals off the roses except for one, as soon as I did that, I layed them in a trail, coming from the bathroom to the bed in the room. After that, I sat the one rose in front of the bathroom door and put the rose stems in the trash.

I slowly went back to the room and took a bag out of my jacket pocket, I rolled three papers, we were gonna get blazed because my baby is sick. After I twisted off the last one, I began to light of the twisted tip she won't have to sit there lighting it up.

I can't believe I'm doing this much for a girl, I'm making an effort to impress this girl. She probably would never go because I have a past, she'd never become mine but I'd try and change, for her.

I lit the papers too much while trying to inhale the twisted tip for it to go faster and it got me thinking too hard. I quickly put it out and turned on the movie Micky put in. Soon after I hear my name being called, the bathe was running. I ran to the bathroom.

Micky: Chres, come in.

She talked in a weak voice, I came through and Micky was sitting on the sink, her towel wrapped around her waist.

Micky: I really don't feel good, i'm so lightheaded and I have a horrible stomach and headache.

Picking her up, I put her in the bathe and clean her. I'm not weirded out by blood or periods and I wanted her to know I'm comfortable around her. She rested her eyes as I massaged her arms and legs. I noticed her hair drooped in the water as she laid there, motionless other than the faint smiles she sent my way.

I picked her back up and she pushed me off a little and stood up. She grabbed her towel and dried herself off. I felt so bad, I felt the need to take her to the hospital.

Micky: Step out real quick?

I did as was told but stood close to the door, making sure I was here if she needed me. She stumbled out with some tweetie bird pajama pants, a black sports bra and some Ralph Lauren boxers. I picked her up and took her to the room.

She was really supprised when she saw everything I got her. She started smiling and pulled me in to kiss me all over. I smiled and her eyes soon lingered to the ashtray sitting beside me on the side table.

Micky: Damn Chres, this the softess i've seen you. So we having a smoke sesh?

I nod laughing a bit. After putting her down I quickly put away everything and laid down beside her. I gave her the joint and the lighter, she looked at me and smiled. She quickly lit it and took a puff. I laughed, she looked so sexy I had to take a picture and some videos. She did french inhale and bull and everything she did was so sexy.

I kissed her and she smiled, I could tell she was high because her eyes were baggy and low. I turned up the movie.

Chres: Oh you have icecream in the freezer.

She got excited and handed me the joint, when she did I looked at her and she blew smoke in my face. I smiled taking the joint and putting it in my mouth and taking a hit. She ran out and back in with an already half eaten icecream. She laid down and continued to eat the icecream.

I hit it again and looked to see if Micky wanted to hit it one more time but she was already asleep with a little piece of icecream cone still in her hand, so I put the joint out, threw away the icecream cone and pulled her close to me.

Chres: You're gonna be mine.

I said whispering in her ear. She smiled and then moments later continued her sleep. I decided to go to sleep too.

(Forgot to update friday)

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