2. Project.

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Micky Pov.

Jacob walked up to me. (Jacob in media)

Jacob: How you doin' beautiful? *sits in chair infront of Micky* Sup Chres?

Chres: Sup. *daps Jacob*

Mrs. Vanderhule: Okay, Micky needs a head start and Micky, you can pick someone you know.

Micky: Jacob, if he wants to help me.

Jacob: That's cool with me.

Mrs. Vanderhule: Okay, if you need a more quiet space Micky, you guys could go in the hallway.

Micky: Okay.

Jacob: Okay Micky, grab your notebook and come on. *grabs Yn hand*

Micky: Ahha , okay. *grabs notebook*

I turn to Chres and when he saw me looking he turned to the teacher, is he jealous? We walked to the hallway at sat down on the floor.

Jacob: Okay, so our science project is going to be about anything. For my project I picked why everyone likes faster music other than slower music. You wanna do that or...

Micky: That sounds good.

Jacob: Since you kinda came late I got alot of stuff done early. So we can kinda talk.

Micky: We don't have nothing to talk about, we just met eachother.

Jacob: Lets make something to talk about. *grabs Yn hand again*

Micky: *smiles* You're adorable.

Jacob: What you doin afterschool?

Micky: Um, boxing. Which I don't want to go to.

Jacob: Skip it.

Micky: I can't, it's the reason I get good grades in school.

Jacob: Can you skip tomorrow, so we can chill, and get something to talk about.

Micky: Um, i'll think about it.

Chresantos Pov.

I'm not even thinking about this project, i'm thinking about Micky for some reason. I shouldn't had picked Audrey. Audrey is pretty, but Micky is amazing, and she can fight. Why didn't I pick her? I'll have to talk to coach.

Mrs. V: Chresanto!

Chres: What!? I'm listening.

Mrs. V: What did I just say then?

Chres: *sits up, clears throught* Chresanto!

Everyone laughed at me getting smart at Mrs. V.

Mrs. V: Do you want to go to the principals office?

Chres: Better than you. *stands up*

Mrs. V: Get out!

Chres: My pleasure beautiful. *blows kiss to Mrs. V, walks out of class*

I saw Micku and Jacob laughing and stuff and I just smerk and walk towards them.

Chres: What's up?

Micky: Jake told me how you got pantst last year, why didn't you tell me that? *giggles*

Chres: Jacob! I told you never to bring that up with noone!

Micky: Chres, *grabs Jacobs hand* don't gang up on him, you act like I'm gonna tell someone.

Chres: Well, then whatever.

I walk away and they continue talking. I go to the principals office.

Micky Pov.

He didn't have to say it like that. It's whatever. Jacob turns my head towards him and his eyes glisened in the hallway lights. He pulled me gentally into a kiss. It wasn't like I felt something, but that's because i'm not used to kissing people. He pulled away and smiled.

Jacob: Sorry, I couldn't take it. You're just so beautiful.

Micky: *wipes lips* Um, it's okay.

Jacob: Was it nasty?

Micky: No, i'm not that used to kissing.

Jacob: Oh,

Micky: Yeah.

It got awkward so I decided to go to the office and apologise to Chres even tho he made me mad.

Micky: Hello.

Chres: Um, hi.

Micky&Chres(unison): Look,

Micky: You can go.

Chres: Well, i'm sorry. I didn't mean to pick the person you hated the most. I didn't know you felt so deeply for that, I didn't know you would get that mad.

Micky: It's fine.

Chres: I see, so you and Jake?

Micky: I don't know.

I didn't tell him that me and Jake kissed, I feel like he'll go all brother on me. And ain't nobody got time fo dat!

Chres: Mhm.

Micky: Well, sorry I was being a complete trick earlier.

Chres: It's cool.

Micky: Cool.

Me and Chres dap and I walk back to class. I try to listen to the teacher but fail at doing so and I start drawing in my notebook.

Mrs. V: Micky?

I looked up and Mrs. Vanderhule smiled at me and continued teaching. Chresanto came back in.

Chresanto: Wassap bro?

Mrs. V: Chresanto! You go to the principals office?!

Chresanto: Yes! Chillout.

Mrs. V: Well what she say then??

Chresanto: That she know you be trippin and she said go back to class
Mrs. V: Well then sit!

Chresanto: Ight.

After that Chres sat down behind me and I smerk. Sometimes he's just childish.

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