29. Shooters Right Beside Me.

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Chres Pov.

- Chres , they got me in someones house northside. I can't reconize the place, Jake is here so I gtg. Me and our babygirl is fine, but Ricky had a glare in his eye last time I seen him so please try to hurry.

I threw my phone on the ground and Audrey looked at me.

Audrey: Chres, you being mad isnt going to help anything, we're gonna find her.

Audrey picked up the phone and began to text her.

- Can you give us a description and what do you remember seeing while you were on you way?

As we got in the car, we waited for a response. As we were driving to Tonys house we got a response.

- We passed a 7/11 gas station and we're not that far from it. The house is small in the cut, its red with about four windows in the front and when we pulled up I think I seen it had a side door. Also the house looks abandoned and so does all the other ones on the block. And also for guidance, if you're facing towards the gas station turn left and search for the house that way. Flash your headlights twice so ik you're here, okay?

Audrey read it out loud.

Audrey: Babe, so how many people gone be with us?

Chres: In this car, two. At the place? About 20 deep but you won't know who or where.

Audrey: Oh yall all big and bad, huh? *sarcastic, giggles*

Chres: Haha yeah whatever, this is real serious so chillout.

Mickys Pov.

Micky: So when are you gonna let me leave? You kidnap me for your pleasure, if you were a normal person you would just win me the right way.

Jacob: It's, more interesting this way. *smirks* You put it down for daddy.

Micky: Stahp, it was a moment of weakness.

Just then Ricky popped in with mild anger in his eyes.

Ricky: Jacob, you still got that phone? Santo should of been here by now.

Jacob checked his pockets, I didn't need it nomore but the fact that I still had it bothered me so.

Jacobs head darted towards me, then the bed, then back at me. My heart started to race, Ricky looked and me and slowly walked toward me.

He picked me up by my arms, also picking up the chair under me.

Ricky: Where's the phone?

He shook me and I started to lose concious, my eyes rolled back and my head started to twitch but thank god Jacob came and reached into my bra to get the phone. I deleted stuff earlier but hopefully he don't text back or all hell would break loose.

Ricky: Why'd you have it?

He looked at me then glared at Jacob, I guess Jacob knew what it ment so he followed him to the hallway. I heard a lot of muffled yelling, then Ricky came back in with more cuffs.

Ricky: We gone have a little party, okay?

Micky: No, and I don't want them handcuffs anywhere near me.

I heard the handcuffs click together for he was walking towards me.

Ricky: Ain't no choice.

About five more dudes came in and the last was Jacob. He leaned on the wall and just stood there looking down with his arms crossed.

They picked me up and put me on the bed. I started to get up but Ricky grabbed my neck and slammed me back down.

Ricky: Don't move bitch!

I started to lose air and my eyesight started to fade.

After I woke up for unconsciousness, I noticed it was someone on top of me. Thrusting inside me, I looked up to see there were handcuffs around my wrist and my feet were tied to opposite ends of the bed so my legs were spread.

The person on top of me was the person my parents trusted to watch over me all these years, the one who did sweet stuff and helped me through a lot, my second father. My Uncle Ricky.

My eyes started to water as I started to cry, this wasn't suppose to happen. I was suppose to be with Chres, we were suppose to be happy when I lived with my parents, have a lot of family in a non bullshit environment, and if I were to get pregnant then? So be it. But not like this, never like this.

I tried not to make eye contact so I looked to my side where stood Jacob, we made eye contact which made him look down. That's when I noticed he was crying, tears started to stream from his face.

I looked behind him seeing outside the window that Chresantos car was pulling in the front, I cried harder. My thoughts her interrupted by something shooting up inside me, he had finally busted inside me.

He climbed off me and left me with just underwear on for when he fornicated with me, he just pulled them to the side. I didn't know how to react to just getting raped while unconscious. They unwrapped the rope from around my ankles but left me in handcuffs and left out the room, leaving Jacob and me.

Micky: Is it interesting now? You just got the one you love raped, is this satisfying enough?

He looked down and shook his head.

Micky: Just, get me out of here please. Look for flashing lights and approach the car, slowly because they might just shoot you.

He nodded hesitantly and exited the room, leaving me staring at the TV which isn't on at this moment. I felt like shit, I know my hair looks a mess and I just got raped by several people so I feel so dirty. I wish this wasn't my body.

Micky: I'm sorry babygirl.

I said to my daughter.

Chres Pov.

This gotta be the place, it was a room light up with one or more burning candles and you could see flashlights being moved around. Also this looked like the place, it had a side door and all the other houses looked vacant. I flashed my headlights twice and I started to get ready to save Micky. Tony and his brother Tre was in the back seats loading up they guns and I gave a glock to Audrey.

Chres: Audrey this is serious, don't go shooting people without knowing a damn thing of what's happening. I'ma tell you when to shoot IF NEEDED, okay? I need you to watch over my car and keep your phone on you at all times, just in case I have to call you.

She nodded and tucked it in her pants.

Tre: Yo duck!

We hid and I seen Ricky walk out the house and get into a car with a female and they had drove off. We got back up and I brushed my hands through my hair.

Audrey: Good, cause I wasn't going in there anyways.

I looked at her and raised an eyebrow.

Chres: If I need you, come. This isn't a game.

I got out the car, glaring at her. She looked down and took out her phone, sitting it on her lap. I shook my head and proceeded towards the house but that's when I seen someone coming out of it so I pointed my gun at him.

Jacob: Hey! *whispering* don't shoot. I'm on yall team now.

Chres: Give me a reason I shouldn't blast you.

I was face to face with him for I was walking towards him.

Jacob: I got some info I know you'll need to get in here. Just, believe me.

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