26. Try Me.

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Chres Pov.

I was gonna kill him, I promised Mick I'll stop. But if I was getting tear drops tatted, this'll be my fourth one and this'll be Micks third. We were killers, we wasn't in no gang, but we hung around them people.

We didn't play about anything we were passionate about, and i'm passionate about her.

She left to her friends house and I went to Tonys house, an old friend from when we were 15. In the hood we grew in, that's what we were brought up by.

I knocked on the door and waited for a response. After a couple seconds, Tony came out with a glock nine in his hand. When he seen it was me, his mug became a grin.

Tony: Wassup Chresanto, long time no hear from! What you doing on the Westside?

Chres: You know Mick?

Tony: That cute lil chubby girl from the hood?

Chres: Yeah, well I got her pregnant.

Tony: Forreal? Congratulations man, but you usually go for the mad skinny girls.

Chres: I know, but she got fine from when we stopped catching bodies. She had me feening for her pussy dawg.

Tony: Like that? That's crazy man. You need to show me a picture. That use to be bae on the low.

Chres: Let me inside bro, it's important.

He let me inside and I sat on his couch, letting out a breath as I sat.

Tony: So what's going on, we haven't talked in years and now you at my door step sweating nigga.

Chres: All for this bitch that I don't fuck with.

Tony: Micky?

I nod and pull out my phone to show him a picture of her at the gym.

Tony: Damn, I'd be sweating over a bitch like that too. Now tell me what's up with it?

I told him all that happened between us, her uncle, that one bitch that sent me to jail and Audrey.

Tony: So what do you need me to do?

I looked at his strap.

Chres: Help me kill him.

He nodded at me and smiled.

Tony: I'll hit up the others.

After being there for a little bit, I left to Audreys crib to go see if she was okay. I walked In at it seems as if nobody was home but I did hear sobbing so I prepared myself for Audreys tears. I walked in the room and went to hug Audrey but she pushed away.

Audrey: So you go out with this girl and don't tell me, and then you come back you hug me like nothing happened? What's wrong with you!? I'm not stupid I know you were with her! I love you and you don't even see that. *wipes eyes* Why couldn't you just tell me...?

Chres: it's not nothing like that Audrey...

She stands up and pushes me again, tears streaming down the side of her cheek.

Audrey: Then what is it like, huh? Because I know you're not going to your friends house or your family's house. Why can't you be real with me because I'm always there with you.

Chres: Shit, Audrey things are complicated right now and I can't really tell you details but I need to help Micky. She needs me right now...

Audrey: I need you right now and if you haven't noticed not everything isn't going great for me either. And I'm going to get kicked out just because I want you here, my parent does not like that you're here with me. *pause* So I decided I wanted you to move into apartment with me.

I sat down on the bed and she sat down next to me. I put my head in my palms and tried to breathe.

Chres: Audrey, that's a big commitment we have to think about. In all honest I don't think I'm ready to be committed in that type of way. I have too much to think about.

Tears started to form in her eyes as she stood up.

Audrey: Yeah, Micky. If that's what this whole relationship is gonna consist of, then I don't want to be in it. Relationships consists of A and B not a A, B and C. Is it's not just me and you then this is not going to work out anymore because I need you to be there for me and not be there for everyone else, especially that girl.

Chres: Audrey you can't be choosy! You knew from jump she was going to stay in my life because she's pregnant with my child. I have to protect her no matter what because that's my baby's mother.

Audrey: Do you really because last time I checked being the baby's father does not mean running to their side no matter what happens.

Chres: You keep blowing this out of proportion this means nothing she is my baby's mother ended of discussion.

Audrey: But this is also your first love, the girl that you care for don't forget you told me already. You can't just go up to her with those feeling not being there no more, because I can't do that with you.

Audrey was right I couldn't just go up to her and not feel the same way, I still love her to this day but somethings just got to change. But I also think I should be here for Audrey because I know that she can hurt herself at anytime. But I can honestly say Audrey grew up, she's not the young "hoe" she used to be. I may not be the perfect man for her but I am here for her because she was here for me and is still here for me.

I hug her tight and she wrapped her arms around me.

Chres: I'm sorry Audrey.

She kissed me and I laid her back on the bed.

Micky's Pov.

I was giving Cali a snack when I heard a knock on my room door.

Micky: Come in.

Chres came in with flowers, chinese food and a smile on his face. I smirked and he came to hug me.

Micky: What's up...?

Chres: I'm here to make you smile. *smiling* Try to take your mind off things. I brought you seasame seed chicken with white rice.

Chres and I stayed up all night watching comedies. I started to stare at him and he looked at me and smirked.

Chres: Why you staring.

Micky: I can't stare at what's going to always be mine.

He just looked at me and a smile started to appear.

Chres: What makes you so sure?

Micky: The way you're looking at me.

He pulls me into a kiss and my eyes start to tear up to the point where tears started to come out. I pulled away and looked at him.

Micky: Why?

Chres: Lets not speak on that tonight, okay.

I nod and he pulls me into a hug.

Chres: I love you Micky, I do. But Audrey needs me too.

Micky: If you guys seriously talk, I won't be mad. We're better off as bestfriends anyway.

He nods and kisses my cheek.

Chres: I will miss us though.

Micky: It's a forever thing Santo, don't worry about it okay.

He lays his head on my chest.

Chres: Okay.

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