5. I Can't Talk To Him ?!

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Mickys Pov.

Uncle Ricky: Young man, out!

I heard my uncle yell when I woke up. I fell asleep in Chres's arms! When he leaves, they're gonna kill me.

Chres: Yes sir.

Chres taps me to get off of him and he walks out.

Aunt Nisi: Micky! What is this?!? Go to your room, give me your phone. We'll talk to you tomorrow.

I hand my aunt my phone and run into my room. When everyone is sleep I crawl out my window just to find Chres outside with a blanket and a pillow.

Chres: Can I crash, my parents are arguing again.

I nod and climb back inside the window, he climbs in after and closes the window quietly so my Aunt and Uncle doesn't wake up. I run to my door and lock it.

The next day I woke up at 6. I woke up Chres. He got up, picked up his blanket and his pillow and climbed out the window.

Before I closed it he stops me.

Micky: *whispering* What?

Chres: *kisses Micky, whispering* I'll see you at school.

Micky: *kisses back, whispering* Okay. *smiles*

Then right when I closed the window, my aunt came in.

Micky: Ma'am?

Aunt Nisi: Here, *throws phone* you'll need it if you're going to boxing.

Micky: *catches phone* Thanks untie. But, I know there's a catch.

Aunt Nisi: Your uncle turned off your texting, not unlimited data, and you can't talk to Chresanto anymore.

Micky: What do you mean!?

Aunt Nisi: Look lil girl, I ain't gone have you raising your voice at me. You just can't talked to him nomore, that's what your uncle said. No more facebook, deleted the app and changed the Apple ID password.

Micky: On Whaat.

Aunt Nisi walks out and I noticed Chres's Odd Future sweater was sitting there. I picked it up and just put it on my bed because I was going to wear it.

I walked into the bathroom and got into the shower. When I got out I put this on:

- Chres's sweater

- Black leggings

- Grey Toms

- Chres's gold chain

I washed my hair and decided to wear it curly. I was ready at 7:08, got my Go To card, grabbed my bag, my phone and keys and headed out the door.

I walked straight passed Chres's house because I knew my uncle was looking. I sat on the bus stop and it started raining. I'm glad I didn't straighten my hair this morning.

The bus came and the door slid open. I slid my card on the scanner and walked to an empty seat in the back. I put in my ear plugs and turnt up to a couple songs.

I pulled the yellow cord to tell the driver that this was my stop and I got off.

I had to walk a couple blocks to school in the rain, so I was heated. When I walked in school, people was staring at me cause I was soaked. But I ain't got no worries.

I walked to homeroom and layed my head on the desk. Then here comes this big mouth, Audrey.

Audrey: Micky? Hey!

This bitch hella fake. Before I put my head up, I hear a chair scoot close to me.

Micky: The fuck you want.

Audrey: So, I wanted you to know that Chres had to take care of me yesterday. But i'm okay now.

Micky: *sits up* And?

Audrey: He, *bites lips* really took care of me.

Micky: And I care because?

Audrey: *whispering* Don't hide it, you know your man is falling for me and you can't stop it, ever.

Micky: *calm* Get the fuck out of my face.

Audrey: Make me.

Micky: You sure?

Audrey: Yep, cause all August is gonna do is feel pity for me and you'll lose him even more.

Micky: *smiles* Chres don't want yo crust lip ass.

I walk out the door, she wasn't finna ruin my day. But then Chres walked passed me, and walked to Audrey. What The Fuck. They talk and he turns around, he waves but I turn and walk to my first hour.

~Skip To Fourth Hour~

I sit down in my desk and Chresanto come and sits behind me. Then Jacob comes and sits beside me, time to cake with Jake to make Chres jealous.

Jacob: Hey Micky!

Yn: Heyy Jake, how are you baby?

Chres's Pov.

She just called him baby, come on now. You're wearing my sweater and calling someone else baby infront of me! It's probably because she saw me talking to Audrey earlier, is she jealous?

Jacob: Been nice, our date's still going on tonight?

Micky: Yeah, right after school right?

Jacob: Yeah, can't wait!

Micky: *laughs* Me either.

A fucking date?! We're supposed to be partners for boxing!

Chres: What about boxing practice, Mick?

Micky: *rolls eyes* What about it. *draw attention back to Jake* Where are we going, Jake?

Jacob: Wherever you wanna go, i'll take you.

They cakin' hella hard, like come on now. How much cakin' can you do?

Micky: I wanna go to the beach, if that's cool.

Jacob: Yeah, it's...

Mrs. Vanderhule: Jacob! Stop talking!

Jacob: The bell didn't even ring yet! I'm early and other people are talking, damn!

Micky: Jake! Shush! *puts finger infront of her mouth*

Jacob: *shrugs* Well, shouldn't be pointing me out, out of the whole class. *laughs*

Micky: Jacob, you a bum. *laughs*

Jacob: But you'll kiss this bum.

Micky: Probab...

Jacob: *kisses Micky* And you didn't stop me.

Micky: I didn't even get to finish my sentence!

Chres: *walks out room, fist clentched*

How could Micky do this to me, I feel like i'm catching feelings for her. I don't know how it just randomly came on like that, but I do.

I sit on the floor by the door of the classroom. Next thing I know, Audrey comes walking passed me.

Audrey: Heyy baby! *walking close to Chres* Whatcha doin' out here?

Chres: Thinking.

Audrey: Aww, *sits by Chres, rubs his leg* wanna talk about it? *smirks*

Chres: I'd rather not.

Audrey: Look, *slides closer to Chres's pants zipper* i'm always here to help you with anything. You can talk to me.

Chres: *looks down at pants, bites lips* Maybe we could talk about this later on.

Audrey: *smiles* My house?

Chres: Right after school.

(Authors Note: late update, sowwy.)

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