24. Mourning Over Relations

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Chres Pov.

I woke up with Audrey in my arms. Yeah we fucked yesterday, it was good but it wasn't nothing to fall head over heels for because her virginity was long gone.

I was taking her out today to the carnival, I didn't know where else she'd want to go but she likes cotton candy.

For some reason I knew I was going to see Micky there because she loved carnivals and corndogs. But it is a slight posibility that she won't go because she's pregnant, so it was all good.

But I'll have to grow the balls to go collect my things from the apartment one of these days and I'd rather it be sooner than later.

On our way, Audrey was turnt up singing Loyal by Chris Brown. I smiled at her goofyness.

Once the carnival was in our visuals she started chanting "the carnival!" At least until I covered her mouth.

We got there and got on a couple rides, we got some cotton candy and we were boo'd up. We were kissing and holding hands and she was loving every part of it, except for when I would occasionally make sure Mick wasn't here. She would roll her eyes and when I asked what happened she would shrug.

I did it once again and she pushed me.

Audrey: Stop fucking doing that!

I grabbed her arm tight and she flinched.

Chres: I didn't do nothing, the fuck wrong with you!?

She flinched and I let go. Yeah I like her but she needs to grow some balls. Micky would fight back even though she didn't have a chance of winning, but i'd never really put my hands on her or hurt her.

I bumped into someone and I looked up to see Jacob.

Chres: Yo wadup man.

Jacob: Wassup dude.

We both dap and I look at Audrey, she was still pouting.

Jacob: Awe that's you?? *smirking*

I put my arm around her and got a smile out of her.

Chres: Yeah, this my crybaby.

I saw her trying to hide her smile but she couldn't.

Jacob: Ight bro, I'll see you later cause I'm here with someone.

Chres: Ight.

He walks up to a thick girl at the ball toss stand. Her hair was in a loose bun and she had on bball shorts and a muscle tee. She turns to him, showing a pregnant belly. I looked at her face and almost died.

I wanted to confront her, so bad. But she's not my bitch nomore so I can't. He's been plotting on her for the longest. At the corner of my eye I seen Audrey smirking.

Chres: That smirk ain't helping you.

I let go of her and started to leave out the carnival.

Audrey: Chres I didn't do anything!

She came behind me and tried to hold my hand but I snatched away.

Chres: I don't care, we're leaving.

The ride back to Audreys crib was quiet, other than me mumbling curse words to myself.

Once we got inside I went straight into our room. Audrey followed and closed the door.

Audrey: Chres, if you still want that bitch go back to her.

Chres: She not a bitch Audrey damn.

Audrey: You acting like she give you more than I do.

I stood up and pinned Audrey to the wall.

Chres: Bitch she does! She has money, food and her own apartment! You ain't got no job, you don't get paid for the fights you do, plus you still live at home with your parents! Now tell me again why you think you have more than her?!

I nodded and laid back on the bed.

Chres: Plus you forgot she's pregnant with my child!

Audrey: Baby..

Chres: All that isn't even what I'm mad about. Jacob has been plotting on getting her since I had her. You don't even care to ask about any fucking thing!

I rolled over and closed my eyes, the girl I cried with, ran away with and haven't talk to my parents for is with another nigga and it's because I let her go.

Audrey came behind me and wrapped her arms around me.

Audrey: Baby, I'm not letting you go to sleep mad. That means you're gonna wake up mad. *squeezes Chres tighter* I don't want you to be mad.

I shrugged and she kissed my neck.

Audrey: I'm serious, I'll listen.

Micky's Pov.

After we came from the carnival, we went back to Jacobs house. I decided I wanted to go home so I started to get my stuff ready and I put Cali on his leash.

I went back in the livingroom to where Jake was.

Micky: Jake, can you take me home?

Jacob stood up.

Jacob: Sure, so you can bring some clothes back here?

I scoffed.

Micky: No nigga. I ain't got time for this, I can just walk.

I started for the door and once I started to open it he slammed it and locked it. He pinned me against it and Cali started barking at him.

Micky: Jacob what the fuck is wrong with you!

I pulled out one arm and punched him in his chest. He let go and gasped for air.

Once he retaliated he grabbed me by my throat.

Jacob: I'm thinking about turning yo ass to yo uncle now, this bullshit you pulling. You think you can just leave me?!

He started to shake me by my neck and my vision started fading as his grip grew tighter.

Jacob: You got the world fucked up!

He let go and I fell to the ground, once I caught my breathe I started to speak.

Micky: I... wasn't gonna leave... you.

Jacob glared at me, I'm guessing to see if I was lieing or not.

Jacob: Get yo ass up.

He picked me up and we left out the door.

Cali was barking the whole ride, I know he was pissed but I was more pissed.

When I arrived at my house I hurried and got off that bike, my momma ain't raise no fool.

Jacob: Where you going, you missing something?

I looked back and he had his arms opened like that shit didn't just happen.

I turned back around and opened the door, behind me I heard a yell.

Jacob: I'ma remember that man!

Then he drove off.

I hurried in my apartment. When I got in there, I bursted into tears and collapsed on the floor crying.

I shouldn't of let Chres go that easily, i'm such a gullible ass girl that just needs someone there for me.

I laid on the floor for the night with Cali snuggled by me. At least he was still here with me.

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