17. Lil Bit

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Chres Pov.

It's been about a week and a half since the incident but me and Mick are doing better. Old girl keeps hitting me up from different numbers like she can't leave me alone. Micky said if I want her to she can fuck her up again. I told her no because she may be pregnant.

She's been getting more sick so I told her I'm taking her to the clinic so we know. But she's been blowing me off going out more with friends, when we went to the gym she met some girls and I guess she thought they were really nice. So I started hanging out with my band mates, we all became brothers in the matter of two months. We're all close plus Keisha and Walter. In 4 months we're going on a small tour and so I have to tell Mick.

I'm making some waffles and Mick came out the room.

Micky: You're cooking? Since when have you became a man?

She said coming to hug me.

Chres: Since there was a chance that you would be pregnant.

She smiled and sat at the table, I put her waffles in front of her.

Chres: We're going to the clinic today.

Micky: Ight baby.

She started attacking her waffles. They were gone in 5 minutes.

She got up and went to the room and I followed. Her butt was looking nice from the workouts coach was having her do.

After an hour of her trying to find something to wear, she just wore my clothes. She looked way more manly because her arms and legs toned out. She still looked sexy though, she had her shape still and her beautiful face.

I put on some Joggers and a sweatshirt. And we left to go to the clinic.

Chres: You know we're going to have to call your parents if you're pregnant, right?

She nodded and I could tell she was getting nervous so I rubbed her leg to calm her.

We pulled up to the clinic and I got out and quickly opened the door for Micky. She stood up and stretched, my baby look so tired.

We walked in and they got her set up in a room and I sat in there with her.

Chres: Baby, you think you ready for all this?

Micky: *nodding* I got alot of money from the fights I've been doing these past weeks. But you know what this means, right?

Chres: What?

Micky: You really have to quit with all this side girl stuff, forreal.

I nod, at this point, all these females will try me because of my position with Mick. I love her and don't want to hurt her, but my mindset is telling me that she won't give none up and I don't know if I can do that. I mean I'll try.

The doctor came in and smiled at us.

Doctor Edison: Hello Micky, Chresanto.

She came came in and sat down in a seat by Mick.

Doctor: So you think you're pregnant, when did you notice the symptoms of pregnancy?

Micky: I wanna say about a month ago.

Doctor: Mhm, what was happening?

Micky: Sickness, bloating, no period for at least 7 weeks, last week I started to have to pee alot.

Doctor: Mhm, do you mind taking a test right now? Here's your cup and the bathroom is down the hall to the left.

She nodded and left the room, the doctor faced me.

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