9. What Is This For?

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Micky Pov.

I woke up feeling good, I was high as hell and Chres is still here. I looked back on the night stand to see we didn't finish the doobie we smoked earlier so I took it apon myself to spark it and smoke it. I blew some in Chres face, he opened his eyes and smiled.

Chres: You smoking my shit, huh?

He giggled. I nodded and blew some more in his face. He sat up in the bed and took it and blew O's and I bull ringed them and smiled.

Chres: What time is it?

He looked around for his phone, I shrugged.

Chres: My phone's on the floor.

He said smiling, he shook his head. I laughed as he picked it up.

Chres: It's 7 o'clock, our asses must have been high as hell.

He finished the joint and put it out.

Micky: Hell yeah,

I said getting up, I walked to my closet.

Micky: What you wanna do?

I looked for something to wear. He smiled.

Chres: I want to take you out, what do you want?

I smiled but quickly covered my face and turned around, he laughed.

Micky: Ohh! *turning around* can we go to Sonics!?

He smiled, letting out a little laugh.

Micky: Chresanto, don't make me fight you.

He laughed more. I went to go punch him and he backed up laughing so hard tears we coming out. I punched him hard.

Chres: I'm sorry! I can't take you seriously with these pajamas on!

He laughed some more and I punched him again.

Micky: Fuck you.

I laughed a bit.

I got out some khakis shorts with a teeshirt that says "weed smoker" with a big ass purple doobie and got my grape 11's and went to change in the bathroom.

Chres Pov.

She gives me too much life, I leaned on the wall by the bathroom, I could hear Micky singing and rapping. It was so adorable. I ran in the room and got a joint and put it in my pocket, after that I heard Micky getting out of the bathroom.

Micku: I'm ready!

She ran out the door.

I laughed jogging after her, locking the door behind me. She was already at the door, she looked like a gay ass stud tryna rob my car. I shook my head and unlocked the door. I opened her door and ran to the other side hopping in.

Micky: What was you shaking your head for.

Chres: You look like a dyke.

I laughed at her.

Micky: See this why I don't take you nowhere!

She got mad and started pouting.

Chres: No, that's why I don't take you nowhere.

I laughed some more and she pushed me.

Chres: Guess what though,

Micky: *ignoring*

Chres: babe, baeee, babe, baaaaaaaabe. *puppy dog eyes*

Micky: Whaaat!

She stared me down. I kissed her and felt her smile but when I pulled away it quickly turned back into a frown.

Soon we pulled up into Sonic's drive thru. We ordered what we wanted and it came soon after. Micky kissed my cheek.

Micky: Thank you, Chres. I didn't really know I had someone care about me this much.

She getting soft on me which I didn't have a problem with. I nodded, reaching out to grab her hand but she quickly pulled it away.

Micky: But I know everything Chresanto, you told me everything. And as hard as i'm falling, I know I would keep coming back no matter how many times I hear something about you or if I actually find out you was..

I quickly kissed her so she could shut up.

Chres: Please, give it a try with me.

She looked down, hesitant to give me the answer. She looked up as her eyes glowed, she smiled.

Micky: Igh..

I didn't let her finish and I pulled her into a hug. She hugged me back.

I pulled out the weed and drove off, I let Micky spark it. When we got home, Mick wantes to clean some stuff up because I literally just threw stuff in here.

She went through some of my bags and she pulled out my glock that I should of took out a while ago.

Micky: Chres, you still do this? I thought we promised eachother we'd stop!

Chres: Mick, it's just in case something happens to us.

She sat down and analized the gun.

Micky: Damn, we used to be hot in the streets after you shot lil tutu and I slit his throat.

I sat by her and sighed.

Chres: That nigga almost took advantage of you, I couldn't let him do that.

Micky: Plus he had a stupid name.

We both laughed and she leaned her head on me.

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