15. Don't Play Around

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Micky's Pov.

I've been taking pictures of myself lately and it's strange that I'm getting bigger. Even if we started going back to the gym. It could be muscle gain but I would see my six pack good. The first week of going back my six pack came back in and i've been there almost everyday this past month. Chres said I look fit as ever, every muscle in my arms and legs are toned and my sides are flat but it looks like i'm getting a beer belly.

I walk in the living room, I miss Chres. He need to be here right now, but I guess he has to get this money somehow. I got up to make me a fruit smoothe with some veggies and sat back down. As I drunk it my stomach became uneasy, so I put it down and tried to lay down on the couch.

I woke up a couple hours later to see I got calls from Chres, he also texted me. The text reads "Baby, I love you. I'll be home at 11:00"

I smiled and sat my phone down. My stomach felt uneasy again so I had to run to the bathroom. I kneeled over the garbage can, and I just started to throw up. Once I was finished I washed my face and brush my teeth. I started to think, grouping things together that I might be pregnant.

But i'm not fully sure, i'm just going to wait if I don't get my period this week or next week. It is late but my period is weirdly scheduled so you never know.

I really don't want to have a kid, me and Chres have been going great but you never know when he'd go back to his old ways. You may grow older but you're still the same person. But if he really love me he wouldn't just now start his ways, right?

I called him and it took a while for him to pick up.

Chres: Baby, i'ma call you back.

He was out of breath.

Micky: Where are you?

Chres: I'm at the studio, chill!

Micky: Bye, the fuck.

Chres: Umm bye.

I hung up on him, he's such a dickhead. But I love that dickhead. I go in my room and look in my weed drawer, I wanted to smoke so bad but I don't know if that would affect the baby. So you know I had to do my research. It says that kids usually come out with anger issues but my kids are already gonna come out with anger issues.

I decided not to smoke, at least until I knew I'm not pregnant. I fell asleep again but my phone woke me up.

Micky: Hello?

Chres: Baby it's me, i'm in jail.

Micky: Chres what?!

Chres: Can you pick me up?

Micky: I'm on my Chres, fuck!

I grab my keys and run out the door, i'm glad Chres's manager picked him up or there wouldn't be no picking him up. I got in his car and I was so pissed off my nose started bleeding, I searched for some tissues or something in his glove box and his seat pockets. I found some but found some magnum condoms. Chresanto got some shit coming up his ass.

I pulled up to the police station and asked for Chres, they called him and he started walking towards me all upset. All he could do is hug me, and I'ma let him just for these couple seconds I'm finna cuss his ass out when we get in the car.

I walked out first and Chres walked out after me. When we got in the car it was a long pause.

Chres: I'm happy you came to get me.

He couldn't make eye contact with me.

Micky: So you know when I'm over pissed I get a nose bleed right?

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