27. Baby Girl

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Chres Pov

Being up early in the morning isn't my cup of tea but for the first time i'm going to my babies docter apointment. But I left much earlier so I could get Mick something to eat. I bought her some iHop pancakes and brung her a moca cooler from Caribou.

When I got back in her room, I seen she was still sleep holding her belly.

Chres: Babe...?

She turned around and smiled at me.

Chres: I got you something.

I sat the coffee on the nightstand and gave her the food.

Micky: Thank you Santo boo.

She ate the mess out of that food, it must of been great. I ate a breakfast sandwich and got in the shower, a few minutes later I heard the door open and Mick jumped in it with me.

Chres: Nigga?

Micky: It's just a shower, you act like we're fucking.

Chres: Brings back memories.

Micky: We fucked in the shower?

I looked behind me and smiled.

Chres: We fucked in alot of places.

I turned around and she grabbed my ass, I flinched and she started to giggle.

Chres: Gone with that gay shit, dyke.

Micky: Slut. *giggles*

We got out and got dressed, like ALWAYS she wore my clothes. But she's less buff and her boobs got bigger so she looks more female ish.

We got to the doctors office for a ultra sound and to see what the sex of the baby is and she's so excited.

Micky: I have a feeling it's a boy.

Chres: Nah, it's gonna be a little girl.

Micky: Lil tomboy.

Chres: *mumbling* Just like her gay ass mom.

Micky got ready to punch me and I flinched.

Chres: Ight stop playing.

While we were in there, they laid her down and put that clear jelly shit on her stomach and put the camera on her stomach.

Doctor: That's your babys head here, *pointing at moniter*

Micky: Got yo nose Chres. *giggles*

Chres: Forreal.

The doctor was making convo with Mick and making jokes tryna flame me nshit. I wasn't really listening, I was waiting for her to tell us the sex of the baby.

I couldn't wait for our lil bit to come out boy, I was so excited no lie.

Doctor: You ready for the sex of the baby? *smiles*

I sit up in my chair and nod bout hard asl.

On the screen she typed out the word pink.

Micky: So, we're having a girl?!

I jumped up and kissed Micky on the lips. I started jumping up and getting all excited and almost breaking everything in the office.

Doc: Sir calm down! *laughing*

Micky got a video of me tripping and I calmed down and she took a video of us. I was milly rocking but I looked so stupid.

Chres: My lil nigga gone look just like me.

I put my arms around her.

Micky: Chres calm it down. *laughing*

We left and got in the car. I took her back to her parents to tell them the news, we wasn't gonna make it a big deal. We're just going to go in there and tell them.

I got out the car and opened the door on the other side for Micky. I held her hand and we walked in with wide smiles on our faces. Micky sat by her dad and hugged him.

Micks Dad: You must want something. What did you do to my daughter?

Chres: Nothing at all.

Micks Dad: *points at her stomach* Yes you did.

We laugh at him and her mother comes in.

Micky: Hey mommy!

She goes up to hug her and I sit down by her dad.

Chres: So, we're having a girl.

Mom starts to jump up and down and so does Mick.

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