10. My Boy

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Micky Pov.

It's been two weeks since I've actually came home, my aunt was standing in the front with some mail in her hand.

Micky: What you got, Tete?

She smiled.

Aunt Nisi: Some bills, as usual. Can we talk? You know, without your uncle?

I nod and we walk to the backyard.

Aunt Nisi: Look, I know about you and Chres.

I stepped back.

Micky: How tete?

She smiled.

Aunt Nisi: I saw yall at the tattoo parlor and I knew it was you cause I see your piercing too. What tattoo did you get?

I backed up some more, anxiety ran down my face. She hugged me.

Aunt Nisi: You not gone get in trouble baby.

I smiled and stood back to showed her the tattoo of Chres name, She sighed.

Aunt Nisi: I can tell Chres, *pause* he's a big part of your life and I can understand that. He'll always be apart of your life, lets just not let your uncle find out. He has a tattoo of your name too don't he?

I nod and she shook her head, looked through the mail again. She looked up and handed me a piece of mail.

Aunt Nisi: Your report card.

I smiled. 'I literally been to school for three days.' I thought to myself, I breathe.

Micky: Hopefully i'm doing good, i've been going through alot lately.

My aunt rubbed my back.

Aunt Nisi: You don't have to open it if you don't want to.

We started walking to the door. She stopped me abruptly.

Aunt Nisi: Oh! I almost forgot,

She handed me bags and continued.

Aunt Nisi: I told your uncle you went to a field trip, I didn't know when you'd be back so I told him I forgot when. I hoped you didn't leave us forever.

She kissed my forehead.

I walked in.

Micky: I'm back!

Uncle Ricky: I'm so glad you're home lovely!

He came to hug me.

Uncle Ricky: How was your trip?

He grabbed my bags out of my hands. I shrugged.

Micky: It was okay, I got my mind right and I feel good.

Uncle Ricky: *smiling* Good to see you happy again.

I smiled at both my uncle and aunt.

Uncle Ricky: And I have something waiting for you in your room, since I felt like I was being too hard on you about the, Chresanto situation.

He said bringing me to my room.

I walked in to see a little black teacup poodle jumping around, once it saw that I entered the room it ran to me and jumped on me. I had a heart attack of how cute it was.

Micky: Oh my gosh thanks you guys!

I could feel my soft side poking out, I was never this soft. I thought back to when Chres took care of me.

Uncle Ricky: Baby girl.

Micky: Huh?

Uncle Ricky: You good?

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