30. Not Quite The Easiest

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Chres Pov.

Jacob: And no matter what, I know Ricky's gonna know it's you Chres when he gets word. But if you do this, your clout is gonna be high as fuck.

Chres: I don't care about that, all I want is for the baby to be okay. Yall didn't hurt Mick, *points gun to Jacob* right?

Jacob: *stuttering* ...they did.

I looked at him in confusion, I really didn't understand what he ment so I got upset

Chres: In what way?!

Jacob: You'll see when you get in there.

By now my blood was boiling , I just wanted to sock him in the face. I gave him a gun and busted in there, shooting everyone I saw. Tony and Tre searched the first floor for anyone else while me and Jacob was on our way upstairs. First person I seen I shot. And more people came out of rooms and thankfully Tre and Tony came from downstairs and was gunning people down.

About ten of my niggas came in, bussing as well.

Jacob pointed to the room Mick was in and I went in there and locked their door. I turned around and there Mick was, with a bloody face and no pants on. She didn't notice I was here, she was too busy knocked out so I woke her up with a kiss.

She woke up but soon after started yelling.

Micky: Get off me! Please!

Chres: It's me babygirl, I got you.

She looked me in my eyes, her eyes weren't the big light brown eyes I remember. They were droopy and red and she had a long slash under her right eye. I broke the handcuffs and picked her up, she clutched me tighter and I put on her pants.

I ran out the room but before I could move I felt something cold near my ear. Click.

Ricky: My dude? Where you going with my niece?

He stepped infront of me and smiled.

Ricky: I understand now, why you and Jacob was fighting... Her pussy is good. I always wondered since she was little. But now my whole team knows! *laughs*

My blood started to boil, rage filled me as I felt my skin about to boil.

Chres: Ricky... You trippin.

Ricky: Where? My balance is fine. Now hand me my girl. Jacob was suppose to have her but she'll be mine now. He's the one tripping.

He aimed his gun at me and smiled.

Ricky: Give her to me.

She shook her head in my chest.

Jacob: She ain't yours to take.

He had his gun aimed at Ricky, which just laughed because he was just boosting his amusement.

Ricky: Now all of a sudden you got balls? Risking your life because of some lil bitch that don't really love you, she'll always run back to Chresanto because you're so stupid. You ain't shit compared to him and never will be, and I know Mick thinks the same. She'll take him back in a heartbeat, and leave you licking her foot trails just to find her again. All this was because of you, you know that right? If you just walked up to her like a normal person, she might just had fucked with you. Or maybe, if you didn't rape her when you were at that beach...

Click. Boom. Thud.

Ricky fell to the floor as Jacob came behind him, putting his gun back in his pocket. His eyes were filled with tears when we made eye contact. All I could do was shake my head at him. I ran down to the door but when I opened it, we were surrounded by policemen.

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