chapter two

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[ chapter two: prologue ]

[ chapter two: prologue ]

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"What's this?"

The eight-year-old girl looked down at the ring being handed to her, watching it sparkle under the bright sun.

"It's a promise ring," Jeno declared with a smile, letting her take it. "I have a matching one. Mom said you're leaving for a while and helped me pick them out so we'll always stay connected."

Eunjin happily stared down at the piece of jewelry, slipping it over her middle finger. It was a bit big but she assumed she'd grow into it.

"Oh wait," Jeno paused, reaching into his pocket. "Here's a chain, you can slide the ring onto it so you'll always have it until it fits."

The young girl nodded, taking the chain and sliding it through the ring. She held it up with a smile, Jeno took it from her fingertips, clipping it behind her neck.

"There, it's perfect," Eunjin nodded, finally letting go of the ring. "Now whenever I see this ring, I'll think of you!"

"No! I just want to go back," Eunjin cried, her eyes becoming cloudy as she looked back at both of her parents

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"No! I just want to go back," Eunjin cried, her eyes becoming cloudy as she looked back at both of her parents.

Her eyes cried with pain and fear, her heart ached the same. She never asked for the new life her parents created.

"We're just trying to protect you," her mother spoke softly, her usual harsh and blunt tone replaced with one she hadn't heard before.

She stared back at her teenage daughter, unsure of what feelings of emotions she should feel while watching the tears dropped from her eyes.

Eunjin's father was silent, his face still as stone as he stood indifferent to the situation playing out ahead of him.

He didn't seem to care about how his daughter cried as he leaned against the living room couch, pulling out a lighter and lighting his cigarette, watching the fire dance freely at the end.

"It's for your own good," he said bluntly, drawing in a breath before releasing a white puff of smoke. "You're either the killer or the killed. Which are you going to be?"

Eunjin's drew in a breath, his mind beginning to collapse as stress took over her body- the feeling of a panic attack beginning to erupt from within her.

Her parents were taken off guard when she began wiping the tears, chuckling as she looked between the two.

And in a moment, she was gone. The front door flew open with such force it nearly knocked a nearby painting off of the wall, Eunjin's father just barely managing to catch it before it could hit his head.

The teenager didn't care where she went. Anywhere would be better than with the two people who carried her trauma on their backs for the last eighteen years.

She wandered farther away from the house knowing anyone would be able to see her, putting her and her parents in danger.

But at the time, she couldn't find it within her to care. So she continued walking past street after street, not caring how many times she almost got hit.

"It's all over," she cried softly, caressing the same ring she'd had with her for the last ten years of her life- the only thing she had to remember the one person in her life that truly shared her happiness.

But before she could notice the bright lights approaching from behind her, she felt something hit her with immense force, sending her body a few meters away.

Right into a coma.


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welp... this is gonna be interesting 👁👁

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