chapter forty-six

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"You don't understand how annoying it is putting up with her all the time," Jeno rolled his eyes

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"You don't understand how annoying it is putting up with her all the time," Jeno rolled his eyes.

"Gladly so. Just the thought of having someone following my every move like that gives me a headache," Eunjin joked.

"Wish I could do something about it but she literally just won't leave me alone. I'm pretty sure Donghyuck and Jisung have both threatened her too because she was listening in on their private conversations but she just acted like she didn't care. I don't know what to do to make her just go away."

"Get a girlfriend," Eunjin shrugged, putting a spoon full of her vanilla ice cream with fudge and peanuts in her mouth.

Jeno froze for a second before taking a bite of his ice cream, trying his best to carry on normally. "Not many people see the jacket and stay. Most of the time people run as soon as I get close."

Eunjin nodded, "I guess that'd have to be understandable if they don't really know you guys."

"Would you be scared of me?"

Eunjin shook her head, "remember, I didn't know you when we were assigned our project yet we're friends now. Honestly, it was really easy for me to see past your fake persona. You're not really that scary."

"I already told you I don't have a fake persona," Jeno complained, laying back against the blanket covering the grass.

Eunjin laughed, patting his leg gently, "you poor thing. I'm so sorry I insulted your bad-boy heart. Please, forgive me."

Jeno's smile returned to his face as he sat up, "fine, you're forgiven."

"Aw, look at your smile," Eunjin teased, patting his head. Jeno scoffed, pushing her hand away as he tried putting on a fake cold face. It didn't work.

"You're a very transparent person," Eunjin laughed.

"Maybe you're just good at reading people because everyone else seems to think I'm good at being scary. You're just weird," Jeno concluded, taking another bite.

Eunjin shook her head, "I'm not. I'm telling you, it's just really easy to tell that you're not mean. Especially with your smile."

Jeno hummed curiously, "what about my smile?"

"It's very adorable. You have an eye-smile. Even when your lips aren't smiling, your eyes are. I've seen that they disappear when we're in class though. I'm guessing you aren't fond of sitting in a chair for an hour and a half while learning about stuff?"

Jeno shook his head, "find me someone who does like sitting in those uncomfortable chairs for that long and I'll pay you a million dollars."

Eunjin nodded, too caught up with her ice cream to realize that Jeno was still a bit flushed for her earlier statement about his smile.

"Wow, look at that cloud! It kind of resembles a kitten, don't you think?"

Jeno finished the last bite of his ice cream before scooting next to Eunjin and looking upward to stare at the clouds. "It really does."

"That one looks like a smiley-face."

Jeno's eyes moved to wear Eunjin was pointing at and he smiled. "You're really good at identifying shapes and faces. I don't think I'd be able to make anything of these clouds."

Eunjin smiled towards him, pushing him back so he would hit the ground, "I think it's easier to identify them while laying down instead of craning your neck. Try it."

Jeno didn't have to be told twice. His eyes wandered the sky as he looked around at the different shapes decorating the beautiful blue background.

It took him a few minutes to finally recognize something but Eunjin didn't mind. She waited with a smile while laying beside the boy, her eyes closed so she wouldn't find anything before him.

Jeno's eyes were slightly squinted as he looked ahead, trying his hardest to actually identify something.

His heart pounded and his smile widened when he finally recognized a shape in the clouds.

"Hey, look. That hole-thing where there's no clouds kind of looks like a heart."

Eunjin smiled happily noticing the small heart, "it's your first time and you found a heart. How beautiful. Try some more."

"That one looks like a duckling," Jeno said as he tilted his head sideways. Eunjin did the same and laughed quietly.

"You're pretty good at this."


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thanks for 25k reads my lovelies 🕺

idk abt y'all but i really love making shapes and faces out of clouds and things. it's really fun and helps pass time on long trips :D

also, i'm thinking abt writing a "childhood friends to lovers" book- which dream member should it be?

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