chapter eleven

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It was like she could still taste the way the air felt that one faithful night

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It was like she could still taste the way the air felt that one faithful night.

She took in a deep breath as she leaned against her seat, beads of sweat beginning to fall down her face as the woman's yells soon came to an end.

You're okay, breathe.

She gulped back the feeling of anxiety bottling up inside of her. She wasn't going to let her fears get the best of her.

She hadn't noticed the lights turning back on or the health teacher going to the front of the class, a clipboard in hand.

"Your partners for this project will be decided tomorrow. Be sure that tomorrow you are all prepared to get your new babies. This project will only be going on for five weeks. The goal is to keep your score on the back of the baby as high as possible. You will each start off at 100. Thank you, you're dismissed."

Eunjin was quick to get up, using her slim figure to her advantage as she squeezed past everyone to leave. The only thing that was on her mind was to find one of her friends.

"Hey, when is your last class today?"

Chenle hummed with boredom from over the phone, "uh, five, I think?"

Jaemin continued walking to his car, keeping his voice low to make sure no one could hear Chenle as they conversed. "I'm gonna need some help with something. Meet me in your office in a few hours?"

"See you then."

"So what can I do for you today?"

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"So what can I do for you today?"

Jaemin sat down his book ah in one of the empty spots on the couch in the corner of Chenle's office. He walked over towards the younger boy, leaning against the desk as he examined the computer.

"I need you to help make sure I get a certain partner for my health class project."

Chenle kept his eyes glued to the screen as he typed, the words and numbers going through too fast for Jaemin's brain to actually comprehend what was being imputed.

"That baby project thing?" Chenle asked inquisitively, suddenly leaning back as a loading screen appeared on the computer.

Jaemin hummed in reply, waiting patiently for the screen to finish loading.

It took another few minutes before Chenle had finally managed to pull up a sheet from Jaemin's medical teacher that had lists of names written side by side.

"Who's my partner?" Jaemin asked first, trying to read the names as Chenle scrolled. "How do you read so fast? My eyes can't even keep up."

Chenle only shrugged, his eyes still scanning each name before finally coming across his friends. "Na Jaemin and... Park Soeun."

Jaemin nodded, "can you change that?"

Chenle paused, turning towards his older friend. "Who do you think I am?" He turned back towards the computer, typing in a few things. "Partners name?"

"Shin Eunjin."

Chenle typed in Shin before pausing, his fingertips hovering over the keyboard. "Shin Eunjin? Isn't she mis-"

"Yes but I have to keep an eye on her," Jaemin tried to reason.

"Keep an eye on her? Jaemin, you're a spy for our team. You're not supposed to spy on our team. The girls-"

Jaemin huffed, "I get that. But they can't watch her during our class. She's suffering from PTSD and keeps having attacks in class. You've got to trust me on this."

Chenle sighed, rubbing his hair softly. "If I get in trouble for this..."

"You won't! If anyone finds out we can just say it was a coincidence."

"What's a coincidence?" Jisung asked, entering the room with a small tub of ice cream. He looked between his two older friends, curious.

"Um, nothing. Just trying to see how my grade is doing so far," Jaemin answered, trying to quickly come up with some kind of excuse.

Jisung looked at him skeptically, taking another bite of his ice cream. "But it's only the second day of school?"

Jaemin's lips pulled into a thin line as he nodded. Chenle shook his head from beside him, unsure of how Jaemin was seen as an amazing spy but couldn't even come up with a quick lie. It almost made him laugh.

it's finally the weekend

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it's finally the weekend. time for some well deserved rest, writing, and making up any assignments 😪
i was a straight a student for the last few years of school and got my first b during the second 9 weeks of school and cried.
i think my current gpa (my school goes up to 4.0) is 4.28 weighted and 4.07 unweighted. don't ask me what that means tho cause i have no idea lmao

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