chapter twenty-four

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Almost as soon as she walked into the restaurant she could feel her phone begin to vibrate from within the baby bag

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Almost as soon as she walked into the restaurant she could feel her phone begin to vibrate from within the baby bag.

Her frustration levels were beginning to grow and the aching pain from her arm as she carried the oversized baby carrier was not making her feel any better.

She walked through the restaurant, all sound drowned out as she rummaged through the bag for the electronic device.

Jihan's eyes widened seeing the familiar face walking by, her knee flying up in surprise and hitting against the table.

Jisoo yelped in pain as the raised table came into contact with her elbow, hitting it harshly before the four legs once again connected to the ground.

Yuna nearly choked, the water falling out from the sides of her mouth at the sudden commotion. Chenle patted her back from beside her, suddenly confused and worried along with all of the others.

"What, what, what's wrong?" Taeyong asked quickly, looking around for any suspicious movements or activity.

Jaemin discreetly moved his head away from the front doors, trying his best to keep his face from being seen in case Eunjin were to look over and recognize him either.

Jihan didn't answer, only turning away from Eunjin as she walked away. When the younger girl was finally inside one of the back rooms she let out a hefty breath.

The others looked around at the four with confused faces, none of them realizing who had just walked inside.

Jeno wasn't looking at the four, though. Instead, he was watching the girl walk towards the back of the restaurant as if in a sudden trance that wouldn't allow him to look away.

It bothered him not being able to look away. It had been thirteen years since they had seen each other face to face. He knew she wouldn't recognize him anyways.

They were adults now.

"Eunjin? What are you doing here?"

The said dark-haired girl looked up at her boss, "well Tae said he had a problem and asked if I could fill in for him last minute and I didn't want to leave you short staffed on such a short notice so I came in. I'm sorry, I know, I should've called and said I was coming in but I didn't want to worry you."

Taeil sighed, glancing at the group in the center of the restaurant- his eyebrows pulled together seeing so many of the members suddenly distraught.

"Okay, okay, fine. You didn't look at anybody coming inside, did you?"

Eunjin shook her head, "no, no. I was looking for my phone when I was coming inside."

Taeils stressed shoulders fell slightly, his kind smile once again returning to enlighten the features on his face.

"Okay, good. Now, I want you to go in the back with the others cooks and cleaner. Whatever you do, do not come out here."

Eunjin nodded but she was suddenly curious at the new secretive version of her boss. "May I ask why I'm not allowed out?"

Taeil clicked his tongue, already expecting the question. "Important guests who would like their identities to remain secret at the utmost expense now get going."

Eunjin complied without another question, tightening her grip around the baby carrier as she continued to the back of the restaurant.

"What the hell was that all about?"

"You said she was working late tonight," Yuna rushed, quickly getting up from her seat and bending next to Jihan.

"That's what she told me, I swear! She had she'd message me if she was getting off earlier so that I could give her a ride over."

Jisoo rolled her eyes, "yeah well obviously she had different plans. What if she sees us? She could walk out at any moment and look over here to see us chatting."

"Will one of you please tell us what's happening?",

"What if you call her?"
"Are you crazy, she'll hear everyone around us."

"Not if we're quiet when one of you tells us what's going on!"

"No, we've got to do something else. Someone think of something, quickly."
"We could leave."
"We could just ask her if she's still at work."
"I've got nothing."


The four dark heads of hair lifted upwards once again, each of them looking over at their leader with both worry from the problem at hand and insult from the raised voice.


"Will you be ever so kind enough to tell us why you're each panicking and in a team huddle all of a sudden?"

Jihan sighed, turning her legs back under the table as she pulled her framing hairs behind her ears. "Our mission just showed up, uncalled for."

Taeyong's brow lifted at the sudden mission, "name?"


Each of the other Dream members straightened up at the mention, their eyes immediately falling on their blonde friend who's eyes were still looking towards the kitchen doors.

"Should we leave?"

the fact that this book has 6k reads and it's only chapter 22 is so crazy to me

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the fact that this book has 6k reads and it's only chapter 22 is so crazy to me

also it's been 3 days and i'm still deeply mourning jeno's mullet 💔 ALSO!!! BUFF CHENLE!!! I AM LOSING MY MIND

anyways do y'all have anything specific that you want to see happen in the story 👀

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