chapter thirty-five

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Mark's eyes widened seeing Eunjin sitting beside Jeno with her eyes now closed again as she took in deep breaths

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Mark's eyes widened seeing Eunjin sitting beside Jeno with her eyes now closed again as she took in deep breaths.

His eyes spoke for him as he looked at Jeno but the younger boy's face showed how he needed tremendous help, not a lecture.

Mark reached outward, waiting for Eunjin to grab his hand. After finally feeling her grip tighten, he pulled her gently as she scooted towards him.

On the other side of the aisle, Jisung slid next to Jeno. The peach-haired boy handed another gun to the older boy before sliding out of the aisle. Jeno followed closely behind him, occasionally throwing stuff in the opposite direction to distract them from Mark moving Eunjin.

"They're here."

One of the muscular men smiled wickedly as he took notice of the now propped open back door. Running towards it, he smashed it closed.

"It seems as though Jeno has contacted his other teammates for a little party. They're inside this store, find them," he ordered.

Two of the other men split off from who Jeno presumed was the leader, their smiles wide as they wore their oversized guns proudly.

"How many people do you think we can kill tonight?" One asked, peering through the different aisles as he grinned at everyone they passed.

"Hopefully a lot. We need our kill count raised or people aren't gonna think we're as dangerous. And Boss is already getting on my ass for nearly missing someone during the last shoot-out."

"Damn. How many did you get last time?"

"Maybe fifty? Probably more but it was such a mess I had trouble keeping up with the count. Surprised the police didn't get there faster though. By the time they arrived we were done and back home."

"Nice. At my last shoot-out, I only had around thirty. It was supposed to be a bigger turnout but I guess someone knew it was coming and told some people to keep them from coming."

Eunjin hazily crawled beside Mark, sliding her knees against the ground as they made their way to a corner.

Someone was getting closer, she could feel it. "Someone's close by," she just barely managed to whisper.

Mark's posture straightened as he slid in front of her in a protective stance, his eyes opened wide to see any quick movements.

He had just barely caught sight of someone to the right when they shot at him and Eunjin. His reflexes were fast, covering Eunjin's head with his arms as he pulled her to the ground.

He was quick when getting up, pulling his own gun out and sending multiple shots one after another towards the anonymous person.

He only let his arm drop when he heard the body fall with a thud.

"Are you okay," was the first question he asked Eunjin, looking around her face and shoulders for any signs of blood.

She shook her head, looking down as she clinched her eyes shut and held her head- it was throbbing so bad she felt like it would explode.

Mark's eyes changed from concerned to worried, placing one of his feet on the ground while the other rested against the ground.

Peering through the isles, he tried looking for two familiar faces. With too much rubble and debris, it was proving to be more than a challenge.

His eyes lit up finally seeing Jeno and Jisung crawl past another aisle quietly. "Eunjin, stay right here. I'll be right back. If someone tries getting close to you, do anything in your power to protect yourself."

She could only nod weakly, watching the older boy speed past a few isles to his other teammates.

"What the hell are you doing over here instead of protecting Eunjin?" Jeno snapped, pulling the blonde hair out of his face as he tried looking back towards her.

"I killed one of the guys. I couldn't get a hold of Chenle, I'm pretty sure he's in class right now. Do you have any idea how many guys are in here?"

Jeno shook his head, momentarily taking his eyes off of Eunjin to answer Mark's question. "No, they just shot the door down and we immediately got down. I know there were at least three and if you've killed one then there should only be two left."

Jisung smacked their shoulders lightly as he kept his eyes pointed to the left. Knowing he had got their attention, he continued. "I've got eyes on two of them now. They're right there."

Jeno nodded, scooting closer to the younger boy as his left eye closed. Mark was to his side doing the same thing, the two of them taking their last breaths before shooting.

Eunjin's mouth became dry as the headache was finally beginning to subside. Her legs were still pulled close to her body in a swaddle position with her feet as close as possible.

She was getting more tired as the seconds passed and it could probably be seen in her face. Her eyes felt droopy and her lips felt chapped.

If only she could get out alive and return to her bed.

She wondered if she should tell Jihan and the others. At first, she thought it was crazy not to tell them but she had already snuck out to meet Jeno when the others told her to rest. How would they react knowing she left and got into a shooting all in the same day?

Then again, she wasn't a baby. She didn't need to be told when she was allowed to leave. But she knew they were only looking out for her.

Finally escaping her thoughts, she heard a gunshot. It confused her for a second when she realized that it didn't startle her.

Wouldn't the normal reaction be afraid or startled?

Her thoughts were brushed away when she saw someone walk towards her. "Found you."

i feel like this sorry has taken me longer than ever to write 😭 like home, when in time, and world outsiders all took my like three (?) months to write but this one has been on going for like two months already and we're only halfway through 🏃🏽‍♀️

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i feel like this sorry has taken me longer than ever to write 😭 like home, when in time, and world outsiders all took my like three (?) months to write but this one has been on going for like two months already and we're only halfway through 🏃🏽‍♀️

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