❝love is a war and
i am your soldier.❞
꒰ flashbacks and terrifying nights reminding her of who she used to be. one boy never forgot and will do anything to get her back. ꒱
↷ vulgar language/scenes
↷ grammatical errors
↷ major character death
↷ gang...
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"Jeno? Are you okay?" Eunjin asked, waving her hand over his eyes.
He took a few seconds to finally come back to reality, his eyelids flapping as he tried focusing once again. "Yeah, yeah, sorry."
"Are you sure? We can hold off for today and continue another time. I could ask if calls count as spending time together if you'd like."
Jeno shook his head, gulping as slouched over the journal. "No, it's alright. Don't worry about me."
Eunjin went quiet, her eyes glancing down at Jeno's hand before she looked back up at him, a smile forming on her lips.
"Jeno... you've broken the pencil."
Jeno's face turned red as he looked down, noticing the now two-piece pencil he had somehow broken in the short conversation the two shared.
Eunjin could tell he was flustered but didn't speak on it knowing she didn't like when people pointed out her own embarrassment.
"I didn't bring any other writing utensils... do you have any...?" she asked even though she already knew the answer. Jeno didn't bring a bag with him and she assumed he didn't just carry pens in his pocket.
Jeno sucked in a breath. He knew he didn't have any but still checked his pockets just for her. "There's a nearby store. We can head over there?"
Eunjin frowned, looking over at her crutches that laid on top of the freshly cut green grass. "But what about my crutches? I mean I can walk pretty well without them but how are we supposed to take them?"
Jeno gritted his teeth. How the hell was he supposed to get those on his bike? "Um... if you don't need them, why don't we just leave them here? I can help you if your leg starts feeling weakened."
Eunjin seemed to hesitate before nodding. Jeno stood before her, stretching out his arm so she could grab his hand and get up.
"Wait but what if someone comes over here and sees them? They could get stolen." She worried, gripping his hand tightly as he gently pulled her up.
"Right..." Jeno pondered, his hand going to his chin. His pointer finger and thumb rubbed against the bottom of his chin as he began thinking, trying to find a solution quickly.
"I can leave my jacket here." "But what if someone tries to take it?"
Jeno scoffed, taking off the piece of clothing item. "It's custom made by our leader's friend. It's embedded with some specific stuff in case of emergencies. That including a tracker."
Eunjin nodded. So far Jeno had been really sweet to her and didn't seem like the cold, mean person she heard people try to make him out to be.
It made her wonder if the other gang members were like that too but she's couldn't question it too long, a new headache beginning to form.