chapter fifty-three

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"Do you want to go to the hospital?" Jeno asked worriedly, the car coming to a long halt at a stop sign

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"Do you want to go to the hospital?" Jeno asked worriedly, the car coming to a long halt at a stop sign. "Honestly, for all we know she could've given you bad food or something."

Eunjin shook her head, "not possible. We both cooked our own popcorn because she had to have a specific kind. I think I'm just coming down with something."

Jeno tilted his head, his hands still firm on the wheel although they weren't going to be moving any time soon. Although there were no cars in sight, he would have to wait before driving off until he knew where he was going.

"Alright then if you still don't want to go home, you can come back to my house?"

The mention of Jeno's house made Eunjin sit up straight. Realizing what she was probably thinking, Jeno softly laughed.

"I mean my own house, not the one with the other members. At the moment, I'm only renting it to test out if I'll really like it."

"It's okay, you can take me home. It's such short notice," Eunjin tried to smile, her tone lighthearted. "Maybe I'll take you up on the offer when I don't feel like I'm falling apart."

"That would be better, wouldn't it?" Jeno nodded.

Eunjin stopped Jeno by puttering her hand on his right thigh just before he could drive off. "Actually, can we go visit the cats?"

Jeno's body had stiffened feeling her hand on him. He had to try thinking clearly to make sure he didn't end up stuttering. "Are you sure? You said you didn't feel too good."

"I'm sure," Eunjin nodded, her hand still in the same place. "It's windy tonight and having them around could help calm me down some."

Jeno didn't say anything afterward, too afraid that he'd stutter or his voice would crack if he tried to say anything.

The two were silent as Jeno drove down the night street, the sound of somber music playing quietly over the radio filling the car.

When they finally arrived, the two hopped out of the car. While Eunjin had her back turned, Jeno let out a quick sigh of relief knowing he could talk normally once again.

The two walked quickly over to the three cats, both of them happy to see their furry friends. It seemed as if the three were just as happy to see them, their excited meows echoing off the buildings.

The cold wind sweeping past them all made Eunjin feel a bit better but not by as much as she hoped.

The two stayed with the cats for a while until Eunjin grew progressively tired, her eyes barely staying open while her body rocked back and forth.

Jeno's smiled grew watching her. Just before she fell onto the ground, he stood up. His movement made her become alert again, her eyes opening.

"Come on. I'm going to take you back to my house," he smiled, holding an arm out for her to latch on to.

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