chapter fifty-one

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Eunjin had no time to reply to Jeno's burst of emotion, the phone hanging up as soon as he finished

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Eunjin had no time to reply to Jeno's burst of emotion, the phone hanging up as soon as he finished.

She had no idea what happened and tried calling back multiple times but it was of no use. Every time it would immediately go to voicemail.



call me when you can
i understand you're probably doing
work and can't talk at the moment


She didn't try any longer after her sixth attempt and after messaging him. It was important that she remembered he had things to do that needed his full attention or else it could end in someone's death.

Scrolling through her very limited contacts, she tapped on a number that she didn't call too-too often. She was quiet as the phone rang.

Hearing the person on the other side of the phone pick up made her smile, "hey, Yena. Are you doing anything right now?"

Yena shook her head on the other side of the line, already knowing Eunjin wouldn't be able to see the action, she spoke up, "no, I'm not doing anything right now. Did you need something?"

"I just wanted to know if you could hang out. I just want to get out for a little while," Eunjin answered.

Yena hummed, the sound of her getting out of a computer chair echoing in the background of the call. "Alright, well I'm free. Where would you like to go?"

"You can pick. But I'm on crutches so it's can't be anything too crazy if you don't mind."

"Crutches?" Yena repeated, her voice full of surprise. "What the hell did you do to end up on a pair of crutches?"

"Car accident," Eunjin simplified. She didn't feel like going into detail about the whole made-up plan Jeno went over with her before leaving the hospital.

"Alright, we can head over to the movies then, if you want. They've got some awesome new stuff out and I really want to see Black Widow."

Eunjin smiled hearing the familiar movie name. "Yeah, of course. I've been dying to see it as well but haven't really had time with school and stuff."

Yena sighed, grabbing her car keys and locking her front door as she approached her car. "Yeah, same. There's a showing in fifteen minutes. Could you make it?"

Eunjin was hesitant trying to estimate how much time it would take for a taxi to arrive and take her to the theater.

"I think I could make it? I don't know how close a taxi is but I can try to get there soon. I don't really mind if I miss the first part, either."

"Don't even worry about it. Where are you? I can come by and pick you up really quick," Yena offered, halting before she pulled out of her driveway.

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