chapter fifty-two

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Movie night with Yena was something Eunjin wished she had thought about before

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Movie night with Yena was something Eunjin wished she had thought about before.

For the first time in a while, she finally felt like she didn't have to worry or think about anything and could just enjoy her time.

After a long night of movies and popcorn, the two girls were finally ready for bed. Yena offered her spare room to Eunjin, which she took gratefully.

The room was silent as the night continued passing through, darkness shadowing over every structure in its path.

It was already three in the morning and Eunjin was still lying awake in the cold room. There was a bubbling feeling in her stomach that made her feel sick.

Sweat dripped down her forehead while she shivered, the two opposing temperatures making her feel even worse.

She wanted to leave but she didn't have a car. To get a ride home she would need to wake Yena up and she didn't want to do that.

She knew the girls would probably be asleep as well so she followed through with her last option that could likely be awake.

The phone rang a few times before the opposing line finally picked up.


"Hey, Jeno-"

He cut her off, the realization of who had called him making him sit up in his bed, the sudden cold air against his bare chest making him slightly shiver.

"I'm so sorry I forgot to call you back. I swear I was going to but my service got cut out when we were on a mission thing and I was so tired when we left, I just laid in bed and-"

He stopped himself from continuing to ramble when he heard a sniffle come from the other side of the phone.

"Are you..." he hesitated, "crying?"

Eunjin laughed softly, a bit embarrassed that he had been able to hear her. "No, no. I just have a quick question but you don't have to say yes if you don't want- it's not really a big d-"

"Just ask me whatever it is, Eunjin."

"Can you come pick me up?"

Jeno rubbed his eyes tiredly, trying to comprehend the question. "Pick you up? At three in the morning? Where you are?"

"I'm at a friend's house because I didn't want to go to my house yet but I feel super sick and don't want to wake my friend up. I'm sorry for calling so late but I just don't think I can stay here any longer."

Jeno hummed, already beginning to get out of bed. "Of course. Where are you?"

Eunjin sat up in the bed, thankful tears joined her pained ones as she gave Jeno the address to pick her up at.

"I'll be over as soon as I can."

Eunjin hadn't brought anything over and had still been dressed in the same t-shirt and jogger pants she put on at the hospital so time passed slowly as she waited for Jeno to message her saying he arrived.

Just before she got the message, she went to the bathroom. It was warmer in there compared to the bedroom she was staying in but it didn't make her feel any better. If anything, the warm temperature made her feel sweaty and gross.

She ran cold water over her face before leaving the bathroom. When she got back to the bedroom, she noticed she finally received Jeno's message. She wasted no time leaving.

She made sure to text Yena about what had happened as the two pulled away. It wasn't really something Eunjin was proud to do but there wasn't really anything else she was comfortable with besides leaving.


Jeno looked back at the house as he drove away, his hands still steady in the wheel as they made way down the newly fixed road.

"You said you were staying with a friend. Um... what is that friend's name?"

"Yena. Kang Yena," she answered, an eyebrow raised at the sudden question.

Jeno's entire body shivered hearing the name. Eunjin looked at him, a bit confused until he opened his mouth to explain. "Kang Yena is a member of one of our rivals... specifically one of the rivals trying to get to you."

thank all for 30k readsy'all are like my favorite people ever 😁

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thank all for 30k reads
y'all are like my favorite people ever 😁

tbh i forgot if i gave yena a surname so...

um anyways yeah i guess y'all were right abt yena being a bad person 🙄 or is she?

teasing you guys abt her was fun while it lasted but it's finally time to move on to bigger and better drama and angst!

death is coming and i don't think any of y'all are ready for it

so do you guys still think jihan is gonna be bad? 👀
or! could one of the other girls be possibly bad? 😏
OR! plot twist, one of the dream members (maybe even all of them) are actually gonna turn out to be the bad guys 🏃🏽‍♀️

possibilities. possibilities. also, sorry for the short chapter, i just need to build up the suspense~

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