❝love is a war and
i am your soldier.❞
꒰ flashbacks and terrifying nights reminding her of who she used to be. one boy never forgot and will do anything to get her back. ꒱
↷ vulgar language/scenes
↷ grammatical errors
↷ major character death
↷ gang...
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Both of the young adults were unconscious and bleeding profusely when the ambulances arrived.
No one had been informed about the incident until both Eunjin and Jeno were secured in the hospital. By then, Jeno was finally coming back while Eunjin was still out cold.
Every bone in his body ached with such excruciating pain he thought he would pass out at any second but he wanted to stay awake in case Eunjin woke up.
In case, he thought weakly. In case she survives the car accident that could've been avoided if I had paid more attention.
He remembered the way she laid practically lifelessly next to him in the car. The way he could see glass stabbing into her arms and sprinkled on her shirt.
The way blood dripped down from her eyebrows and lips with no intention of stopping. The way he couldn't even tell if she was breathing or not.
If she died while he was in the driver's seat, he didn't know what he would do.
One of the doctors in his room must've noticed his worry and tried comforting him. "We're doing everything we can, I promise."
It wasn't much. But it was more kindness than he expected to get since they were picked up when he was still wearing his jacket. They all knew who he was.
And hopefully, that wouldn't affect Eunjin's treatment.
The arrival of each of his friends and unit members meant more to him than ever before. Before they could all even step into the room, he was trying to call Mark over- no matter how sore his throat was.
The other members stayed back as Mark approached Jeno, waiting patiently for their turns to check up on their best friend.
"Mark, I need you to make sure Jihan and the other girls don't see me or you guys. I don't know what room Eunjin is in or anything but please don't let Jihan know I was with her. She isn't ready to know yet."
There was a peculiar sense of desperation and plead in Jeno's voice and eyes that startled Mark. He understood why Jihan shouldn't know they were there. But the way Jeno spoke to him made it seem like there was more to it than just wanting to keep his relationship with Eunjin a secret.
He couldn't figure out what it was but still nodded, "I know. Chenle is already working on some stuff and talking to the nurses. Eunjin is upstairs in one of the emergency rooms. No one is allowed on that floor except the doctors and patients- occasionally partners of the patients. We saw the girls entering on the first floor when we were getting on the elevator. None of them saw us."
Jeno would've nodded if he could but he wasn't sure if he could do so without shedding a tear.
"Jesus, how the hell did this happen from a car wreck?" Jaemin asked rhetorically. "I've never seen you in this much pain and that's saying a lot."
Jeno rolled his eyes yet there was still something bubbling in his stomach urging him to tell the boys about who he saw earlier.
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Hours passed before Eunjin woke up.
She felt like she had just been hit by a bus, her ears were ringing and she could barely look up because of how bright the light inside the room were.
She tried sitting up as soon as she realized where she was. Ignoring the pain running through her body and the nurse trying to get her to lay back down, she couldn't help but ask the only question on her mind.
"Where is Jeno? Is he okay? Please tell me he is okay, he needs to be okay."
The nurse shushed her as she pushed the fragile girl back into a laying position. "Don't worry, darling. He is doing fine. But you need to lie down. You're putting too much strain on your body."
Eunjin wasn't one to fight with authority but she needed to see Jeno and make sure he was okay, she was dying to see him.
"When will I-"
"Honey," the nurse stopped her, "your boyfriend will be okay. From what I've heard he doesn't suffer from any broken bones, just cuts and bruises. He's getting dressed on the floor below. I can allow him to come see you before you're moved to another room, okay? But you have to promise me that you won't move, you have a broken arm and leg. You'll need surgery soon so he'll only be able to visit for a little while. Is that okay?"
She nodded, not caring for how long she would be able to see him just as long as she would get to make sure he was standing and alive.
The nurse smiled down at her. It was a pitiful smile but Eunjin didn't care enough to be bothered by it. It only took another two minutes before the door was being shot open and Jeno was rushing over to the side of her bed.
"I'll step outside to let the two of you speak but you will have to be moved in ten minutes."
The two nodded, waiting for the door to fully close before engulfing one another in a hug.
Neither cared about how painful it was, only taking in one another's presence.
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y'all school starts again on august 5th but i know no one and i have super bad anxiety so WHAT AM I GONNA DO
like y'all... i'm so scared. who am i gonna sit with at lunch?? WHO am i gonna pair up with for partner work??
maybe i should drop out 🧎🏽♀️
ok so if u have followed me for a while then u know that during the last school year i was being super hard on myself because i want to do really really good at school and i'm terrified of both failure and disappointment. but i'm gonna be honest right now, i literally don't feel like that anymore. i don't know if it's because i lost motivation or if this break has really just opened a portal within me but when i think about school, i no longer feel the constant need to get straight a's and get into a top college.
like yeah obviously i want to get only a's like i have for the past years but... idk something just isn't there anymore.
maybe that stressful burden of always needed to prove myself will come back when i get into school again but i'm not sure if i'm really looking forward to it
how are u guys feeling about school starting soon?