chapter four

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"You know you can't ignore this forever

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"You know you can't ignore this forever."

"And why not? We're a part of a gang, I don't need a degree to get some lame office job, Mark. There is essentially no use in returning to college, " Jeno ranted, shuffling through one of his drawers.

Mark's face dropped watching the younger boy's eyebrows furrow together, his lips pulling into a thin line, one thing Jeno did not do often unless under an immense amount of stress.

"Jeno, this will be good for you! The other boys are already ready for tomorrow and you should be getting ready too. Taeyong isn't going to take well to you not wanting to leave and you know it."

"Well then Taeyong can kiss my ass, " Jeno huffed, seemingly finally finding the bottle of pills he was looking for. Mark watched him grab two, swallowing them accompanied by a gulp of water. "Don't tell him I said that."

Mark's crossed arms dropped to his sides as he took a seat in the chair across from Jeno's desk, giving the blonde boy a stern look. "This is about more than not wanting to go back to school, isn't it?"

Jeno scoffed, "what are you talking about? No, it's about the fact that it's been two years since I've graduated high school and I'm content with sticking to what I know best."

Mark's posture straightened as he watched Jeno fiddle with the cap of the pill bottle, his fingers unusually shaky. "This is about mission #18A3C21, isn't it?"

Jeno partially froze hearing the code name. But only for a second before turning away from Mark, standing up as he walked over to a drawer. "Seriously, this has nothing to do with that. That was the past, it has nothing to do with now."

"I highly doubt that Jeno. You haven't had a reason to take that medicine for nearly five years now and all of a sudden since this accident, you're taking it again?"

Mark's lips parted seeing the irregular flash of bursting flames coming from between Jeno's cupped hands, making him immediately walk over to the boy.

"Seriously, Jeno?" He gawked in disbelief, grabbing the cigarette and dropping it to the ground. "You quit smoking when you were seventeen why-"

"When I was seventeen," Jeno emphasized. "I'm not some lost pup trying to find his way home anymore and I can do whatever I want, thank you very much."

The room fell quiet as Jeno excited in a haste, taking both his lighter and cigarette as he picked up his letter jacket.

Mark didn't question where he was going, already knowing the answer without having to look too far. Jeno would be headed to the park, a place where he would regularly go if he wanted a break from stress.

"I'm worried about him," Mark admitted.

Taeyong raised a brow at his younger companion, slouching in his chair as he listened to Mark indifferently. "And why is that?"

Mark shuffled in the chair across from his leader, sitting up as he shared his concerns with the older individual. "He isn't okay, Taeyong. It started when you assigned that mission with-"

"I know what mission you're talking about, Mark. No need to explain to me like a child," Taeyong interrupted, twirling his pen around his fingertips.

"Still. Is it really the best idea to send him back at this time? You should've seen him. He was almost shaking as I spoke about it and he was taking his pills again."

Taeyong sat up a bit, suddenly becoming a bit more worried hearing Jeno was back to taking his medicine. "Has he also-"

"Yes, he left with his cigarettes. I'd assume he went to the park to play with those three flee-bags too, " Mark sighed, leaning back against the chair.

Taeyong pondered for a second, taking in all of the information Mark had given him. He finally let out a breathy exhale, leaning his head back against his chair. "I can't excuse him again, Mark. I wish I could, I really do but he signed up for this when he joined. All of them have to complete at least two years in college with only one break year and he's already taken it."


"No buts Mark. I've made my decision and Jeno has made his choice. It's up to him to find control once again and I can't help him with that anymore."

Mark nodded sadly, his shoulders slumping as he began to walk out of the room, not ready to deliver the news to his younger member.

"Mark, " Taeyong suddenly called out to him. He turned around, a small sliver of hope inside of him that Taeyong would grant Jeno another free year. "Dream has a mission, get them ready."


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