chapter eight

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The still sickly girl turned away from Nurse Kim, looking at the doorway as Jihan, Yuna, and Jisoo rushed inside.

"Oh my god, what happened? Are you okay?" Jihan quickly questioned her, lifting her arms and hair to look around for any indication marks.

Eunjin shook her head softly, "no, no, nothing like that. I just had had an attack is all. But why aren't you guys in your classes?"

The three girls straightened their posture, looking between each other with flustered faces.

"I called them in," Nurse Kim interjected quickly. "Jihan sent me an email before school saying that if anything were to happen to you to contact them."

Jihan nodded, picking up Eunjin's backpack quickly. "Exactly. thank you S-," Jihan stopped herself mid-sentence, shaking her head. "Thank you, Nurse Kim. May I ask who brought her in?"

Nurse Kim seemed to hesitate slightly, confusing Eunjin a bit. But she didn't pay much attention to it, finding no reason for it to really matter anymore.

"A medical and health student, Jaemin."

Jisoo bit the inside of her lip at the name, clicking her tongue as she turned back to the door, pulling out her phone.

From: Jisoo
To: Na
you seven were not to have contact or disruption in mission 18a3c21. what were you doing with her

"Come on, you need rest," Yuna said, carefully helping Eunjin stand back up.

Eunjin complied, her feet still a bit unsteady as they walked outside, thanking Nurse Kim one last time before closing the doors behind them.

"So what exactly happened? We've only been here for an hour and we're already going back to your house," Yuna commented, leaning against her car parked next to Jihan's.

Eunjin shrugged, "kinda like a big blur to me now. Today started off awful though. Then we got to school and I just wasn't having it, got in the way of this fight between this guy wearing a leather jacket with a tattoo on his face and some bloodied kid. Sat down in class for like twenty minutes before I started panicking. Ran out of the classroom into that Jaemin guy and he took me to the nurse."

"You didn't tell him that you're also a medical student who knew what was happening and how to deal with it?" Jisoo questioned.

Eunjin shook her head, looking down at her phone as she took a seat on the passenger's side, her feet dangling out the door. "Too distracted by the stinging tears coming out of my eyes. Plus I didn't even know who he was until Nurse Kim thanked him for bringing me in."

Jihan, Yuna, and Jisoo shared a look, one that showed worry and fear for something unknown to Eunjin.

From: Na
To: Jisoo
she was practically abt to faint in my hands after running into me. i've already explained this once and i don't need you three on my back abt it either. it was a coincidence and a one-time thing.
and don't ask why i'm being so pushy abt it either, i know you jisoo.

From: Jisoo
To: Na
has he run into her

From: Na
To: Jisoo
not that i know of

From: Jisoo
To: Na
good. keep it that way

From: Na
To: Jisoo
was planning on it


The said girl hummed as she looked up from her phone, making eye contact with a worried face Eunjin. "Yeah."

"You look mad. What's wrong?"

Jisoo shrugged, "just some random assignments my teachers are already giving out. Currently have this really big one but I'm scared I'm not gonna be able to do what I have to."

Eunjin smiled, "I'm sure it'll be easier once you really grasp the content. I can help you as well if you ever need me."

Jisoo smiled back, unsure of what to say at the moment because of course, this was the one 'assignment' she'd never be able to revive help from her friend on.

so so soanyone think they know what's going on? 👀

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so so so
anyone think they know what's going on? 👀

there's a surprise in the next chapter

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