chapter five

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"Oh my God, fuck trash bags

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"Oh my God, fuck trash bags."

Eunjin huffed as she walked away from her bedroom trashcan, not caring that the trash bag inside was only pulled to three of the corners instead of all four.

"Hey, Jin, you ready to go?" Jihan asked, peaking inside the girl's room. Eunjin nodded tiredly, wiping her eyes as she picked up her black backpack, following after Jihan.

Her movements were sloppy and harsh, a clear sign that her morning was already not going very well. Starting off with her shower water not wanting to warm up fast enough, to running out of condition and then toothpaste, and then to her trashcan, it was just not a good day.

She lazily slid into Jihan's passenger seat, still having yet to go take her own driving test to get a new license.

While in the car she began thinking about the new school she would soon be approaching, making her heart rate begin to speed up, her breath also becoming rugged as she exhaled.

"Hey, hey, calm down there, Jin. You're gonna have an anxiety attack," Jihan said with worry laced through her words, trying not to crash as she glanced from the road to Eunjin.

"Fuck... I left my pills on my dresser," Eunjin muttered, her eyes beginning to sting as tears prickled. "Do you have any-"

"Yeah, yeah, there should be an extra bottle in the glovebox," Jihan advised, pointing towards the space in front of Eunjin's seat.

She didn't hesitate to grab one of them, plopping them into her mouth as she swallowed them dry. Her throat was stuffy, begging for an ounce of water that she didn't have.

When they finally pulled up outside the college campus she realized how much she had underestimated the size.

She began to absent mindlessly fiddle with the ring necklace around her neck, the same one that she had on when she woke up in the hospital.

She assumed that if she had it on at that time that it held importance to her. Yet she was still unsure of what exactly that was.

Jihan finally parked the car in one of the less crowded spaces of the parking lot, trying to take into consideration her friend's anxious behavior. "I was going to head to the cafeteria to grab a coffee before class, do you want to come or anything?"

Eunjin shook her head no, her already upset stomach not liking the sound of coffee so early in the morning.

Jihan didn't ask any more questions, only waving goodbye to her friend before wandering off to the school lunchroom.

"Maybe today isn't a good day to start school," Eunjin muttered to herself, holding her stomach as she examined the school map on her phone.

She only took a few seconds to examine the photo, her mind clicking when she knew she'd be able to remember it without the device.

Her throat was still a bit dry while her stomach was growling lowly, making her regret leaving without breakfast. But she ignored both feelings, continuing to her classroom.

But as she began to approach the lecture hall, her footsteps stopped in their tracks, her eyes watching as a large group of students peered at two boys.

A huff escaped her pink-hued lips as she pushed her way between the group, seeing one of the boys leaning against a locker with a bloody lip while another stood a few steps away with a dark look in his eyes.

It's literally the first day of school, she told herself, walking towards the beat-up kid to hoist him back up to his feet. The bloodied boy had no time to react as he was thrown back into his group of friends.

"Jeno, come on, you aren't like this, I know this isn't you," one girl spoke softly as she neared the still standing boy.

Eunjin only glanced at him, noticing his stance as he watched her push past a few people. She had no time to care about anyone else at the moment, only wanting to make it into a seat before her teacher counted her late.

 She had no time to care about anyone else at the moment, only wanting to make it into a seat before her teacher counted her late

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so... how is it going
is the story good so far? i know there's only 4 actual chapter but you know 👀

i'd like to point out that the title being "war of love ➴ jeno" doesn't mean that it's directly going to be jeno and eunjin getting together. it just means this book will focus on jeno a lot 😏
if you've read my other books then you should know there's always got to be a little drama sprinkled in 👀

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