Chapter Four

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Belle smiled and unfurled her scroll, the red ribbon fluttering to the ground by her feet. A ribbon that was quickly snatched up by a Cerberus who wanted to play.

"Honestly," Mal chuckled.

"It's fine Mal," Belle said with a small smile as she began to read.

It had been a month since his call with Persephone and Hades had not heard a single thing from his wife. Granted, he was sure that she was busy with preparing to relocate to the Isle for six months. But it would have been nice to talk to her.

"I'm sorry dear," Persephone said with a small sigh. She'd been busy trying to purchase everything she thought Mal would need while she was on the Isle. Unfortunately, she'd gotten so wrapped up in her mission, she'd forgotten to check in with Hades.

However, his attention had been diverted about five days before Persephone was due to return. The threat of Maleficent and the worry about his relationship with Persephone were both driven from his mind by the worst possible fear.

"What happened?" Ariel asked, clutching Eric's hand as tightly as she could. No matter what Hades had done, he was still her uncle. Well great-uncle. He was family was the point she was trying to get across. Family was everything...unless that family tried to attack her daughter.

Morgana could continue to freeze for all she cared but Mal hadn't done anything to earn her ill will.

"What do you mean she's sick?" Hades asked, glaring at Panic as he emerged from the lower level of the Underworld.

"What?" Hercules asked, looking over at Mal in concern.

"Eh, I was fine," Mal shrugged. She would never admit it but she was slightly touched by the concern Hercules was showing. Guess family did matter to the big lug after all. "I'm still here aren't I?"

Sure the saying was don't shoot the messenger but Hades was sure that saying didn't apply to worried fathers.

"Or mothers," Mulan nodded. She knew she'd be worried if she woke up one day and found Lonnie or Lil Shang sick.

"S-She's w-warm to the t-touch—"

Hades got up and walked over to Mal, frowning as he touched her forehead. Mal didn't seem bothered by the touch or by the warmth but Hades was. This didn't seem right. Granted, Hades had rarely been among mortal babies. Gods didn't get sick after all.

"That would explain why you didn't panic when Hadie started feeling warm," Persephone said, giving her husband a small smile. She had been so worried that the Isle had done something to her beautiful baby boy...

"Not my first rodeo dear," Hades chuckled.

Oh gods, what was that saying Apollo used to say whenever he was blathering on about something medicinal? Hades thought as he paced back and forth around his lair. Sweat a fever?



"You actually listened to Apollo?" Zeus asked.

"Yes, contrary to popular belief I don't tune you lot out when you start talking," Hades shook his head.

Hades glared at the stuttering demon. He hated to do this but he had no choice; if he couldn't remember Apollo's advice, Hades knew he might make whatever Mal had worse and not better.

"It's 'feed a cold, starve a fever'," Belle said with a small sigh. "Mrs. Potts used to say that all the time when Ben was growing up."

"I need you to go and get Yen Sid. Don't tell him why, only that I need him."

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