Chapter Eighty Seven

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Ruby took one of the scrolls, shaking her head as she saw more appear.

"It's never ending," she said as she unfurled her scroll.

Uma smirked as she walked into her dorm room.

"Oh Gods, what are you up to?" Malinda asked with a small sigh.

"What makes you think I'm up to anything Mal?" Uma asked.

"The fact that I know you?"

It had been a few days since she'd been to the Isle and oddly enough it was the first time that she had a chance to see Blueberry.

Jay looked over at Uma. " want to see her? Why do I have a bad feeling at this development?"

It always seemed that she was off with her dad or working on her business or hogging Mal by talking about Cotillion or homework or even cheer practice of all things.

Malinda sighed softly. She hadn't even thought about the possibility that Uma would be jealous of her spending more time with Evie.

Yeah it seemed like a stupid thing to be jealous by but Uma still couldn't believe that Mal was willingly spending time with the blue haired girl. This was Blueberry they were talking about after all!

Malinda shook her head. "She's not that bad, Uma."

"Hey, I've seen that," Uma said with a shrug. "But scroll-me is not me. Well she is but she's not me me."

The only one they couldn't stand more would be Freddy, though Audrey was getting up there as a firm fourth (after Zevon). Charming Jr. was also up there but now that Uma knew he couldn't exactly help his annoying behavior with the hypnosis, he was rather low on her list.

"Shouldn't Chad not be on your list at all then?" Alexandria asked, tilting her head. "If he can't help his behavior?"

Maybe top ten if Uma was truly being honest because of the fact that he was still rather annoying to be around. Even Ben's shadows found him to be a pain at times and those two seemed to like anyone and everyone they met.

Chad sighed softly. "I know...I know it's a bit redundant as it'll probably be going on for a while but...I apologize for anything my scroll self did to be an annoyance to you," he said softly.

But Evie would always be in the top three of Uma's list of annoyances.

"That changes," Malinda said, glancing over at Audrey.

Which was why Uma was armed with a smoke bomb, ready and willing to remind Blueberry who's territory she was in.

"Really?" Emma asked with a small sigh. "I thought we were past all that?"

"Don't. Even. Think. About. It."

"Go Evie!" Neal cheered.

Uma blinked, her arm raised with the teal smoke bomb clutched firmly in her hand. Blueberry had her back to her, how had she...?

"Knowing Evie, she likely was in front of a mirror," Mal chuckled.

"You think I don't know by now when a smoke bomb's coming?" Evie asked. "You've pelted me at least once a week Uma. It's a safe assumption by now."

"Or that," Mal said, nodding slightly. "Uma, cuz, I hate to say it but I think we've become predictable."

Evie turned to face Uma and put her hands on her hips. "The thing I don't understand is why. Mal I at least understood, even if it was rather petty. I didn't invite her to my birthday when we were kids and back then, I thought her Maleficent's daughter. But you, you went to my birthday party. You, and Harry, and Jay, and yet you're even worse to me than Mal was when we first arrived here."

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