Chapter Seventeen

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"You know I just want to point out that there are a lot of scrolls," Hyllus said as he picked up the next one.

Mal made her way through the streets of the Isle, happy as can be though she was careful not to let it show on her face. She may have only been five but she knew Maleficent had spies everywhere. If one of them reported that she was grinning like an Auradon Princess, it would only mean bad things for Mal.

"Scroll's starting off depressing right off the bat, I see," Eric sighed.

Still, just because she couldn't show it didn't mean she didn't feel it. She knew who her father was!

Hades couldn't help but smile as he heard that and held Mal close to him. He loved the fact that Mal had been happy to know he was her father.

That was something only a handful of children on the Isle could say—that they knew who both their parents were.

And most of the ones that do know don't get to keep them, Mal thought as she jumped through a mud puddle, relishing the feeling of the water soaking through her socks.

Audrey wrinkled her nose at the thought of wet socks—and she wasn't the only one.

"You liked that sensation?" Rowyn asked.

"You mean you don't?" Melody chimed in, grinning at Mal.

Akiho chuckled. "Must be an Olympian thing then cause I may like snow but I hate it when it gets in my socks."

Aurora, however, frowned as she focused less on the puddles and more on the parents. The idea that only a handful of kids knew who their parents were...and that most of those kids didn't get to keep them...that was horrible!

The only other person who liked the feeling was Uma; even Harry thought they were a little weird for it.

"Yep, Olympian thing," Akiho nodded.

"I don't like it," Hadie chimed.

"An Olympian girl thing," Akiho corrected himself.

It's bad enough Boreadon hates us enough not to send decent food half the time but you'd think all the Prissy Princesses would care about people dying in the streets or at the very least care about kids dying if not the adults.

Belle sighed softly, knowing that they should have checked more on the Isle. After all, they were the reigning monarchs—the buck stopped with them.

Then again, these were the children of villains after all. Auradon probably just assumed they deserved it.

Phillip Sr. glared at his mother-in-law who'd opened her mouth to make a comment. "They. Don't. Deserve. That. Leah."

Mal scowled, though, as she caught sight of the only prissy princess on the Isle.

Kitty frowned. "I didn't think there were any Princesses on the Isle."

Evelyn, or Evie as she insisted to be called, was Evil Queen's daughter and the complete opposite of Mal in every way; tall and lean, with long luscious tendrils of blue hair growing out of her head and a crown that always sat perfectly perched centered in her widow's peak. She always seemed to be wearing a dress, even if it was in the same type of material as the other Isle clothes.

" Audrey if she had an affinity for blue and a personality transplant?" Neal asked.

"Neal!" David exclaimed.

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