Chapter Thirty One

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Before Esmeralda unfurled her scroll, the eyeball lit up and seemed to pulse for a bit. Everyone braced to see who it was who would be joining but no one came.

"We thought it might be necessary to limit the magic that could be displayed," the Fates' voices came from the eyeball. "The last thing we want is for someone to get hurt."

"Really?" Hades asked, raising an eyebrow.

"...okay we just don't want to deal with injured people because of the wrath of the Gods."

"That makes more sense ladies."

"Should we wake up Leah?" Ariel asked.

"Do you want to?" Jasmine said and then looked at Aurora. "No offense."

Aurora sighed. "Perhaps it would be better if my mother remained passed out for now. Esmeralda, my apologies. Please proceed."

Esmeralda nodded and unfurled her scroll.

Mal and Uma hid behind some of the barrels that were stacked around the docks, lying in wait for Cruella and her son. It was rare but they did like to diversify their targets from time to time.

Evie sighed softly, thankful for the rare moments she got a respite from the barge of smoke bombs.

"You okay?" Emma asked, looking over at her as she heard the sigh.

Evie nodded quickly. "Yeah, I'm okay."

Blueberry's shrieks were always pleasing but sometimes their ears needed a break.

"You could always just not throw the smoke bombs?" Rachel suggested. "Honestly it's been years since the party invite, can't you just let it go?"

"Good question. Let me ask you one," Mal said. "Are kids still on the Isle?"


"Are kids still on the Isle?"

"Well yes but—."

"So you've all imprisoned children for their parents' crimes but you want me to let the insult of not being invited to a party go?"

Audrey shook her head. "It is so weird to hear you hating Evie when you're best friends where I'm from."

"Yeah well you also have a singing and dancing Maleficent so the jury's still out on your sanity," Mal told her.

"So let me get this straight. Aunt Steph adopted you?" Uma whispered as she scratched Estelle behind the ears, the loyal Cerberus having followed them from the Underworld.

"Should you really be talking about that out in the open like that?" Akiho asked. "After all, it's supposed to be a secret."

"For the thousandth time, yes," Mal said, rolling her eyes. "Why is that so hard for you to understand?"

"Sorry, it's just...weird. I've spent how many years knowing you as Maleficent's daughter?"

Rapunzel sighed, she could certainly sympathize with that. "I'm sure it was jarring to think about."

"I'm not Maleficent's anything, even if she is my birth giver," Mal muttered. "Mom's more of my mom than Maleficent ever was."

"Maleficent donated the egg, that's it," Mal said firmly.

"Under fifteens present Mal. Not to mention we don't want to think about that," Uma reminded her.

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