Chapter Seventy

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The Charming family quickly made their way into one of the side rooms, followed of course by Fairy Godmother; though no one else in the reading deterred them one bit. They all knew the importance of getting the hypnosis off of Chad.

Jane had opted to stay out in the main area; for although she had grown up with Chad, she figured it would be better to give him as much privacy as he could.

"I think the first course of action would be to determine if there is a hypnosis still," Fairy Godmother said. "I know Kitty said that young Chad had said that he had experienced a compulsion and memory loss but hypnosi need to be reapplied. Especially non-magical ones due to their weaker nature."

"Whatever you need to do Fairy Godmother," Kit said as he sat next to his son. He'd gone through the same ordeal when he was not much older than Chad, the last thing he wanted was for his son to go through what he went through.

Fairy Godmother nodded and then looked over at Chad. "Chad? I'm not going to lie, this may be a bit painful if the hypnosis is still on you. If Leah hasn't had a chance to reapply it, you won't feel anything but I'll be able to see its presence. Hypnosi always leave a trace, almost like a stain for lack of a better word."

"Just...just do it FG," Chad said, his voice soft as he stood up. There was a part of him that really didn't want it confirmed that he had a hypnosis on him at that moment. He didn't want it confirmed that what he felt for Audrey wasn't him.

He didn't want it confirmed that the only way he could get a girl was through outside influence. He didn't want it confirmed that he'd basically become the laughing stock of the school once it got out.

Oh sure Ben wouldn't say anything because well, it was Ben. But Emir and Akiho were two cogs of the school gossip chain even if they didn't know they were. And Ashaki was there as well and everyone knew she and Lucy were two cogs in the gossip machine as well, only they took pride in it.

All it would take would be half an hour and Chad would get the reputation of a guy who could only get a girl if her grandmother helped him.

The only saving grace was that no one but his sisters knew about his claustrophobia. Well his sisters and Ben but as he said, Ben wouldn't tell anyone. That just wasn't him.

"Alright," Fairy Godmother said and waved her wand, which she had been able to summon to her. While the force field and the siren prevented anyone from stealing it, it didn't prevent her from being able to summon that which was connected to her.

Before Chad had a chance to react, it felt as if a battering ram was pounding his skull demanding entry. His hands curled into fists, his nails digging into his palms but Chad was going to force himself to stand tall.

He would not show pain. Not in front of his father who'd had a hypnosis put on him himself. Chad knew the stories, how could he not? He knew how Lady Tremaine had stolen Fairy Godmother's wand and put his father under a hypnosis so that he'd marry Anastasia Tremaine and not his mother.

What, you thought that Anastasia was put on the Isle because she'd been cruel to his mother? Change of heart or not, going back in time to change who a royal married was seen as a coup and coups weren't exactly lauded in Auradon.

Kit gently wrapped his arm around Chad's shoulders, to remind his son that he was there and that if he needed to break, he could. No one there was going to judge him for being in pain.

"Well..." Fairy Godmother sighed. "There is definitely a hypnosis still on Chad. It looks as if the reapplication was fairly recent as well."

"But you can remove it?" Cinderella asked, her hand resting on Chad's shoulder.

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