Chapter Forty

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"You know it just hit me, I think I already read," Naveen chuckled.

"Well Naveen, I honestly don't think there's anyone who hasn't read," Tiana said, shaking her head.

"Good point Tiana!"

"Why do you always manage to talk me into these things?" Jay muttered two weeks later as Mal gathered the ingredients for the cookies they were going to make.

"Hey it's a bond you and Harry share," Mal said with a slight smirk. "You can never say no to your captains."

"Because I've known you since I was five and thanks to my dad, I'm fairly decent at smooth talking people," Mal said, propping up Maleficent's spell book as DeVil hopped on the counter after handing her the last ingredients.

"I taught you well," Hades said, looking over at Mal and giving her a proud smile.

"I learned from the best," Mal told him.

"And I'm here why?" Carlos asked, petting the small dog that was sitting next to him.

"Finally! Dude's in the picture!" Audie said with a smile.

"I'm sorry, there's a what near me?" Carlos exclaimed. What was he doing? Dogs were vicious pack animals that ate little boys who didn't behave! Everyone knew that!

"There's a dog," Audie reiterated. "Dude's a sweetheart Carlos, all he'd do is cover you with kisses before anything else. The two of you are inseparable in my timeline."

It had honestly been the shock of Mal's life when she had walked into Jay's room a few days prior to see Dude sitting on Carlos' bed.

"On my bed?" Carlos reiterated, almost squeaking in fear. What am I doing? Do I want to get eaten?

"I'm not seeing things am I?" Mal asked Jay, still staring at the dog in shock. "You didn't turn DeVil into a dog did you?"

"Well one I don't have magic and two DeVil's apparently sitting right there Mal," Jay said with a small chuckle.

"If I did, would DeVil be sitting next to the dog?" Jay scoffed. "Also, I don't have magic Mali."

"You don't change much do you?" Emir asked with a small chuckle.

"I hate when you have a point," Mal muttered.

Aladdin tilted his head. "Well I mean, we don't know that for sure. Your father was a genie when he got defeated, Jay. You might have some magic."

"Still, DeVil's sitting on his bed next to a dog and not running back to the Isle?"

"Apparently Carlos met Dude when working on his Tourney stuff with Ben," Jay muttered back. "I came back from meeting with coach to see DeVil with the dog."

Benji shook his head. "I was working on sprints with Carlos when Dude came running up. Next thing I knew, Carlos was booking it to the grove with Dude on his heels. I ran after them to see Carlos in a tree and Dude wagging his tail at the base."

"Somehow this still doesn't crack my top ten in terms of the strangest things I've seen."

"Your mom and dad are Gods. Somehow. I'm not surprised."

"Can we hear your top ten?" Emir asked, Akiho looking excited.

Mal shook her head. "Sorry boys but I can only remember one and that was when I saw one of the hyenas wearing chicken feathers on his head like a crown."

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