Chapter Ninety

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Jasmine took a scroll and tentatively unfurled it. After everything that happened in the previous scroll...she couldn't help but hope it was a more upbeat scroll.

Mal sighed as she looked at the letter in her hands.

"And we're back to the sighing," Hadie said softly.

"After what happened in the last scroll, I don't blame Mal for sighing," Dizzy whispered.

It was the first time someone on her crew had reached out to her now that she was in Auradon but she knew the handwriting well.

"Wait, didn't a previous scroll say you'd been getting reports from the crew?" Hadie asked.

"Maybe it means the first time someone from the crew had reached out personally and not just the reports?" Mal offered.

The letter had come in from the goblins from Henry.

"As opposed to...?"

"Harriet, Derek, me?" Sammy said, answering Jay's question.

"Ah. Right," Jay nodded.

She had to wonder if there'd been a request for the letter to be expedited considering how quickly it had arrived.

"I...might have given the goblins an order to expedite any mail sent to the palace from the Isle," Benji said.

"And you didn't tell me this because?" Malinda asked, raising an eyebrow.


I'm sorry I have to write this but I can't think of anything else.

"You did the right thing Henry," Malinda whispered as Benji rubbed her back.

There was a bad stampede at the barge a week ago. I know we're used to stampedes at the delivery barges but this one seemed to be even worse than normal. Let's just say the hyenas ate well that day. As did the lions and tigers, we're assuming.

"If...if the stampede was really as bad as was described in the scroll, that's a safe assumption," Sammy whispered.

Little did we know that Ryan's sister was at the barge. She...Mal, she didn't make it.

All of the older siblings in the room held their younger siblings a little closer as they heard that. Well, all of the older siblings who were children that is.

Hades might have felt for the Sunspot Pirate, but that did not mean he was about to embrace Zeus thank you!

Ryan's had a rough time of it, understandably so. I know it's only been a week but I'm worried about him. So's CJ.

"Of...of course I'm worried about him," CJ whispered as Harry continued to hold her close. "Or at least scroll-me's worried."

I'd hate for you to come here but you might be the only one he'll listen to. Mal...I'm really worried. He's gone really quiet and he doesn't talk to anyone except for maybe CJ...and he doesn't spar with anyone. In fact, I don't think he's left the crew's quarters except to eat and relieve himself.

The older VKs looked at each other, a feeling of dread rushing down their spines as Jasmine read that.

"You don't have to ask Henry," Mal whispered. "It's my duty as co-captain."

Even if it's just for an hour, you might be able to get through to him when we could not.


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