Chapter Eighty

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Jane reached over and took one of the scrolls. In all honesty, she wasn't particularly sure if she should read but she was one of the few who hadn't and it didn't seem right to make someone else repeat just because she was nervous.

Chad sighed as he shook his head, making his way down the halls of Auradon Prep.

"Sweet! We haven't had a scroll focused on Chad before!" Alexandria said with a grin. What? She wanted to know how her brother was doing in the future.

Especially since it might cheer the present version of her brother up. He hadn't said much since the hypnosis had been taken off of him and Alexandria was getting worried.

Lately, he found, it was a lot easier to be alone than to be around other people.

"Normally I'd agree with you on that, but you seem to be much more extroverted than I am," Carlos said, looking over at Chad.

Especially Audrey.

Audie sighed softly. She was familiar with that, after all Chad had pretty much avoided her after they found he was under a hypnosis in her timeline. The only strange thing was he hadn't found that out yet in the scrolls. Was...was it wearing off?

It wasn't that Audrey was necessarily difficult to be around but whenever he was with her, his head would go all...cloudy and for the life of him he couldn't remember what had happened.

"Remind me why I can't kill Leah?" Kitty growled to Lucy, furious at the reminder of the hypnosis her brother had been under.

"You'll be depriving the hyenas of a fresh meal," Lucy told her sister.

What he did know, though, was whenever the cloudy feeling faded, there was usually someone mad at him.

"When isn't someone mad at me?" Chad muttered softly.

Sometimes it was people he didn't even know existed, like Quasimodo's daughter Macy or Phoebus' son Zeypher.

"Huh...they can never seem to get the spelling right," Phoebus said as he looked over at the scroll. "There's no 'e' in his name."

"...I think our concern should be more about Leah making the hypnosis on Prince Chad impact our son rather than the spelling of our son's name," Esmeralda told her husband.

"Oh yes, right!"

However nine times out of ten, it would be either Kitty or Lucy who'd be the one mad at him.

"Nothing new there," Chad said, his voice soft as he shook his head.

Sometimes it would even be Alexandria but she was the bright ball of sunshine that seemed to consist of endless optimism.

"You've got to have one of us have faith in you," Alexandria said, her voice soft.

The few fights she had had with the other two Charming sisters had been because of him.

Chad couldn't help but flinch as he heard that. His sisters should never have to fight because of him.

"Guys, honest! Chad's changed!"

Kitty and Lucy both winced at that.

"Listen to her, scroll us," Kitty muttered.

Chad looked up from his computer as he heard his sister's voice outside his dorm room door. Why was she there? And more importantly why was she talking to someone about him? Was everything alright?

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