Chapter One Hundred

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Belle took a scroll and took a steadying breath. Yes she could see the future version of her son sitting before her but it didn't change the fact that in the scrolls, harm had come to her son. Harm that could have resulted in his death.

And that terrified Belle.

The two stayed wrapped up in each other's arms for what felt like an eternity.

"I wish it had been an eternity," Malinda said with a small smile as she rested her head on Benji's shoulder.

Only the sound of a small yip brought them back to reality as Estelle looked up at the two of them from his spot next to Ben.

Audie shook her head. "Why is it cute Mal and Ben Cotillion moments are always interrupted by someone connected to dogs? Carlos in the second viewing in my timeline and now Estelle?"

"How're you feeling?" Mal asked, gently brushing a bit of his hair out of his eyes. His beautiful hazel green eyes that for a moment, Mal had feared had been gone from the world forever.

"Again though, as we've said, the minute dad got wind Benny was in the Underworld, he'd boot his soul back to the land of the living so quickly, Ben wouldn't even be cold," Hadie said, shaking his head.

"Ask me in a minute," Ben said softly, blinking gently to try to get the world to stop spinning. "I'm...I'm still trying to regain my bearings here."

"That's completely understandable," Beast said softly.

If he was being truthful, it honestly felt as if he had teleported once again though teleporting didn't leave him with a throbbing headache. All Ben really wanted to do was lie down and hold Mal close to him, as if reassuring himself that she was alright.

"And you should," Chip said. "Head injuries are nothing to muck around with!"

But he knew he couldn't. A King needed to be present to reassure his frightened citizens, to show that he hadn't been affected by that whack on the head. To show them that he could bounce back from an attack with ease.

Chip shook his head and looked over at Beast. "I blame you for this."

"What did I do?" Beast asked.

"All that muck about how Ben needs to be 'strong, powerful, Kingly'," Chip told him, rolling his eyes.

"You want to stand up?"


Mal rose to her feet before gently lifting Ben to his, quickly moving to hold him steady as he swayed slightly.

"You see? To bed with you Ben!" Chip insisted.

One hand rested on his chest while the other wrapped around his waist to keep him up. It probably didn't help that the sea was still slightly choppy.

"My apologies," Poseidon said, looking rather sheepish.

"You're apologizing for something you'll do in the future?" Hades asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Maybe it'd be better to get you a room where you can lie down," Uma said, noticing the swaying.

"Yes, listen to Uma!" Chip urged.

Ben shook his head, ignoring the slight nauseous feeling that came as a result. "Not yet. There's something I need to do first."

"See a doctor? Yes, yes you should," Chip nodded.

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