Chapter Eighty Six

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James couldn't help the small frown that pulled at his lips as Milah pulled him into a side room. He knew he was finally going to get some more details but...he wasn't sure if he wanted to.

It was clear that this version of him had clearly inhaled too much pixie dust if he thought it was even remotely okay to lay a hand or a hook on any of the kids!

"James?" Milah asked, her soft voice pulling his attention back to her.

"Sorry," James said softly. "I just...I was just lost in thought."

Milah gave him a gentle smile. "It can be a lot to take in, reading about the future. I'm sure it's even more daunting when you know it's a future that may not even happen in your timeline."

"Well I know it won't because Jessica...I mean Claudine isn't being raised by that fanatic," James said. "That's one change, and for the better I say. It's so odd not hearing her be referred to as my daughter, never mind having Harriet be cold to me. I know you explained it earlier but..."

"It's still hard to wrap your head around it?" Milah asked knowingly.

James chuckled. "Even when it's another timeline's version of you, you still know me better than I know myself," he told her. "Then again, it's still hard to wrap my head around the idea that there's a timeline where you die."

Milah gave James a sad smile as she gently cupped his cheek with her hand. "We always knew there was a danger, James," she said softly. "Or at least my version of you and I did. And maybe it was a combination of things, having CJ too close to having Harry, the lack of good food, lack of medical system..."

"Hey, hey," James said gently, softly resting his hand on hers. "No matter what happens, I'll never regret having CJ. Or any of the kids. Well, you know, once I have them in my timeline. And speaking of that..."

"James, are you sure?"

"Milah, if I don't, then how can I know what to avoid in my own timeline?" James asked. "I mean, apparently other me was so convinced CJ would be a boy he got Harry's hopes up unnecessarily..."

"James?" Milah asked, frowning as James rubbed his forehead. "Are you okay?"

"Fine..." James said after a minute. "I think...I think my own time line caught up with me."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I have memories of Harry being born...when I know you were still pregnant with him when I was brought here. And now I want to go send the other version of myself to Davy Jones' Locker even more than I wanted to before. could he hurt him like that? How could he hurt any of the kids?"

Milah sighed. "I wish I knew," she said softly. "Every time I'd look down and I'd see Harry with a new bruise or see the look of forlorn resignation on CJ's face when she'd look at her siblings...or the look on Harriet's face, a look of longing for something she could never have again."

"Even if the other me hadn't gone completely mental, she likely would have still had that longing," James said gently. "She would have the clearest memories of you...CJ wouldn't miss what she didn't know as sad as that is to say and Harry's memories would fade..."

"James..." Milah said and James could hear the meaning behind her words. Hear the thanks in his attempt to make her feel better but hear the slight scolding at the same time as it was clear he was stalling.

"Right, right," James sighed. "I mean I know kinda the gist of the whole thing but I...what on Earth would have caused me to kick my son in the ribs?"

"Mal and Uma destroyed the scroll that went over Harry's injury so we can't use that," Milah told him. "But at the same time...I'm glad. You didn't see him James, it tore him apart to even listen to it happen again."

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