Chapter One Hundred and Six

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The two new occupants of the Lair of the Fates stared at everyone in shock, a little unsure as to proceed.

"Hey Squeaky, Squirmy? Why don't we check out this cool arcade?" Sammy whispered, gently leading her brothers into the new room. She didn't know what exactly was going to happen but she also knew she didn't want to risk her brothers being around in case someone started to yell.

Or worse, if someone started to draw their sword. Sammy could fight with the best of them but her brothers were still rather novice at sword work.

"Cass?" Rapunzel said softly, never noticing the three Smees leave. " it really you?"

"Rapunzel?" Cassandra said softly as she looked at her friend, even as she gently pulled the younger girl who was with her behind her. " How am I off the Isle? How do I know you're really you and not something Gothel's used to trick me?"

Rapunzel gave Cassandra a small, sad smile as she stood up and walked over to the raven haired woman. " more than ever, we must stick together united," she sang softly and Cassandra's eyes went wide in realization.

There were only three people who knew the words to that song. There had only been three people who had sung it after all.

"Now, it's now or never so let's face the future clear-sighted," Eugene sang as he realized what his wife was doing.

Cassandra shook her head and gave both of them a small smile. "Somehow we've managed to make it this far, it's been one heck of a ride," she sang back to them and her smile grew upon seeing the grin on Rapunzel's face.

"There's nothing I couldn't do, not with you by my side," the three of them finished and the song had just barely left Cassandra's lips before she was met with the biggest bear hug Rapunzel could have given her.

"Oh it's so great to see you!" Rapunzel said after a few minutes when she broke from the hug. "I can't believe you're here!"

"I can't either," Cassandra chuckled. "On that note...where is here?"

Malinda couldn't help the small chuckle that broke from her lips. "You're in the lair of the Fates," she said.


"Yeah Cass?"

"Do you see an older and slightly pregnant version of Mal as well?"

"Oh yeah, she's real. So's the older version of Prince Ben. Well actually he's King Ben now."

"Maybe it would be better if we explain things to Dragon Lady, Blondie," Eugene said but gave Cassandra a small smile so she knew it was all in jest.

Cassandra chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, an explanation would be greatly appreciated Fly Boy."

"Hey Ginny," Carlos said softly and Ginny perked up upon seeing him.

"Carlos! Is Clay here too?"

Carlos shook his head. "No, you've only got one of your brothers here."

"Well you say that like it's a bad thing," Ginny said as she went over and sat down next to him. "So what's going on?"

"We're all in the lair of the Fates and we're reading about the future where Mal and Prince Ben end up dating," Carlos told her.

"...I'm sorry what now?"

"It's the truth," Audie nodded as she gave Ginny a small smile. "I know it probably seems completely outlandish hearing it at first."

"That would be an understatement," Ginny said. "Also...who are you?"

Audie chuckled and gave Ginny a small smile. "My name's Audrey. I'm the daughter of Aurora and Phillip, but I'm also from a different timeline so I've asked everyone to call me 'Audie' as to not confuse everyone."

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